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Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Biden fundraiser

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Biden fundraiser


Hundreds of protesters descended on downtown Los Angeles around LA Live late Saturday afternoon, attempting to block entrances and disrupt proceedings ahead of a major fundraiser for President Joe Biden at the Peacock Theater.

Shortly after 5 p.m. PT, uniformed police officers were seen rushing toward a group of protesters as they attempted to block an entrance by locking arms next to the JW Marriott and the Yard House restaurant, set up for the passage of guests with a ticket. Some of the protesters, seen in a post shared on X (formerly Twitter) below, wore shirts reading “Cease fire now” and “Not in our name,” while one woman held up a large sign pink reading “Stop killing Palestinians”. » amid the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The group grew, although it is unclear how many guests were prevented from entering. The Hollywood Reporter I noticed that the other entrances to the venue remained free and clear with streams of people able to enter without issue. In another scene, a group of dozens of people mobilized on the sidewalk next to Arena, waving flags and chanting as they passed down the block, heading toward LA Live. An LAPD press officer says The Hollywood Reporter that no arrests have been made and that officers “will continue to assess the situation” as the night goes on.

A similar fundraiser held at New York's Madison Square Garden in March featured a heavy security presence before a show featuring Biden and Obama as well as former President Bill Clinton in conversation with Stephen Colbert. This event was also briefly disturbed by Palestinian supporters.

THR is already parked inside Peacock ahead of the fundraiser, which is expected to begin in the early evening and will feature Biden in conversation with former President Barack Obama and moderator Jimmy Kimmel. George Clooney and Julia Roberts are also on the ticket, while other stars are expected to appear at the event, which raised a historic $28 million.

By 6 p.m. PT, there were already hundreds of guests in the Peacock Theater lobby as the event kicked off early with a VIP lobby pre-reception and photo ops for Democratic supporters and guests with deep pockets. A large group of politicians participate in the photo op with Biden and Obama, including Mayor Karen Bass, Ted Lieu, Maxine Waters and others.

Near check-in inside the JW Marriott, THR spotted Jeffrey Katzenberg, California Governor Gavin Newsom and many other Democratic politicians and supporters. Super producer Ben Winston was also spotted in the lobby of the Peacock Theater after 5 p.m. PT.




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