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Father's Day 2024: Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Ram Charan, the adored young fathers of B-town | Bollywood News

Father's Day 2024: Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Ram Charan, the adored young fathers of B-town |  Bollywood News


Today is June 16 and the whole world, including Bollywood, is celebrating Father's Day. Although we have many young dads in B-town, there have been recent additions such as actors Varun Dhawan, Ram Charan and filmmaker Aditya Dhar. Meanwhile, actors like Ranveer Singh and Ali Fazal are also expecting their first baby this year. To celebrate the occasion, let's take a look at how new and young dads of Bollywood are approaching their special journey.

Varun Dhawan Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal welcomed a baby girl in May 2024. (Photo: Varun Dhawan/Instagram)

Varun Dhawan, who welcomed a baby girl with wife Natasha Dalal a few weeks ago, always wanted a baby girl. During his appearance in Koffee With Karan season 5, during the rapid fire round, Varun was asked “What do the following have that you don't have?” When Karan mentioned Shahid, the actor said, “He has a little girl. I don't want his little girl. I want mine. He then also spoke about having his own child and said, “I want to get married. Actually, I want to have babies. I want to have a child. I love children and I want to have my own little one. The actor, who is currently enjoying fatherhood, is yet to share his experience.

Aditya Dhar

Aditya Dhar Aditya Dhar and Yami Gautam welcomed their first child after three years of marriage. (Photo: Yami Gautam/Instagram)

Second on the list is Aditya Dhar. The Uri filmmaker, who is married to Bollywood actress Yami Gautam, recently welcomed a baby boy – Vedavid. Although the filmmaker didn't comment on parenting after their baby's arrival, he was already a caring father to his unborn child. In an interview with Times of India, Yami revealed that Aditya was a supportive partner throughout and he asked him to read Amar Chitra Katha and Ramayana to the baby, just like Yami's mother did when she was waiting for the actress.

Ram Charan

Ram Charan Ram Charan welcomed his first child, Klin Kaara, with his wife Upasana in 2023. (Photo: Upasana/Instagram)

Ram Charan, who became a global sensation after the release of his film RRR, also embraced fatherhood in June last year. Charan, who has been married to Upasana since 2012, welcomed his first child with his wife after 11 years of marriage.

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Although Ram has not spoken about his fatherhood, Upasana said in an interview with Times of India that the actor was a wonderful partner throughout, who helped her during postpartum and was her therapist. Talking about Ram's love for his daughter Klin, Upasana said that the RRR actor's loving attention and active participation in Klin's upbringing enriched the phase for her. She revealed: “Klin's eating habits mirror MC's. She's a real Konidela. » In the same interview, Upasana also revealed that she and Ram Charan cried more than their daughter when they had to leave her at home to go to work.

Ranbir Kapoor

Ranbir Kapoor Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt revealed their baby girl's face for the first time in December 2023. (Photo: Ranbir Kapoor FC/Instagram)

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, who welcomed their baby girl in 2022, recently revealed their daughter's face to the world. Since then, Ranbir has been seen many times carrying his little girl and playing with her. The actor also got his daughter's name tattooed on his collarbone, which he often displays online.

In an interview with BBC, Ranbir expressed his love for his daughter and said, “Nothing matters anymore, and everything matters at the same time. I'm afraid to even talk about it, because it fills you up so much. You have this fear: is this going to go away? But deep down, I know it's the one thing that will live with me forever until the day I die. The amount of love and joy and gratitude that I feel, I haven't felt that towards anything, anyone, any film, anything professionally.

Karan Singh Grover

Karan Singh Grover Karan Singh and Bipasha Basu are parents to a daughter, Devi (Photo: Karan Singh Grover/Instagram)

Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover also embraced parenthood last year. They named their daughter Devi. The couple often shares videos and photos of them spending precious moments with their daughter, with Karan actively participating. Talking about embracing fatherhood, Karan had penned a note on his Instagram, where he wrote, “It's a combination of many feelings. Brand new but somehow familiar, not familiar like I had before, but rather like I had felt this in my most precious and beautiful dream, like almost ingrained in my DNA. A feeling so intense that I didn't bring it to the outer surface of my being because I was afraid of exploding into fireworks of joy.

Ranveer Singh

Ranveer Singh Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are expected to arrive in September. (Photo: Ranveer Singh/Instagram)

Ranveer Singh, who is expecting his first child with wife and actress Deepika Padukone, had also reacted to the feeling of an expectant father. At Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding bash in Jamnagar, Ranveer, before taking the stage, addressed the crowd and said, “You have the girl of your dreams and I am happy to been able to help you. It obviously worked because here we are seven years later, Anant Aur Radhika ki shaadi ho rahi hai… mera bachcha ho raha hai… matlab kya hi ho raha hai.

Ali Fazal

Ali Fazal Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha recently announced their first pregnancy. (Photo: Ali Fazal/Instagram)

Similarly, Ali Fazal, who is also expecting his first child with his wife and actress Richa Chadha, said in an interview with Times Entertainment that the feeling was “difficult to express in words”. He said he was both excited and nervous for the baby. As parents-to-be, he and Richa hope for the best. The actor who was truly grateful said that he will try to be the best version of himself as a father. “I have a lot of empathy, I listen, it helped me a lot with my wife (laughs),” said the actor.




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