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Father's Day 2024: From Army Biologist to Merchant Navy Officer, Meet the Lesser-Known Fathers of Bollywood Stars

Father's Day 2024: From Army Biologist to Merchant Navy Officer, Meet the Lesser-Known Fathers of Bollywood Stars


The internet is always eager to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrities outside of their work hours, spending time with their loved ones. While Father's Day is just as much a celebratory occasion for stars who grew up in the industry per se thanks to their famous parents, let's take a look at actors who came from normal, non-famous parents and still got managed to succeed in the industry. .

Father's Day Special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers
Father's Day Special: Kriti Sanon, Shah Rukh Khan and Kiara Advani with their fathers

Shah Rukh Khan

“The King of Bollywood”, Shah Rukh Khan is the son of the late Meer Taj Mohammed Khan. Meer Taj never got to see his son's colossal success with his own eyes, having passed away in 1981, several years before SRK got his big break. The same was true for his mother, Lateef Fatima Khan, who died in 1991, soon after SRK's debut. Fauji.

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Glimpses of Shah Rukh Khan's Childhood
Glimpses of Shah Rukh Khan's Childhood

The world-famous actor, however, kept the memory of his parents, especially his father, alive. Every now and then, SRK fondly shares a heartwarming anecdote from the limited time he spent with his parents. In the 2004 BBC documentary The inner world of Shah Rukh Khan, the actor shared, “My father was a very gentle and soft-spoken man. In fact, he was the youngest freedom fighter in India.” The actor further revealed that it was basically his profession that helped him get over the sudden death of his parents. As Shah Rukh himself shares, he makes it a point to spend as much time as possible with his children because he knows what it feels like to not have his parents nearby.

Kriti Sanon

Kriti Sanon, a new addition to the exclusive list of Bollywood stars, comes from a simple and stable background. She is the daughter of Rahul Sanon, a chartered accountant, and Geeta Sanon, a physics professor. In a 2019 interview, Kriti explained that while there is a perception that men are not capable of expressing love, she never had this problem with her father after all he is the ” first man she ever loved.”

She also revealed that although he had reservations about being allowed to become a model, when her adverts started appearing on television, he was the first to stand up and spread the word.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai is the daughter of Krishnaraj Rai, a military biologist by profession. Although Krishnaraj was able to witness his daughter's meteoric rise to global fame, he breathed his last on March 18, 2017. However, Aishwarya still makes it a point to celebrate her father's birthday, year after year , to express his love and appreciation to him.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with photo by Krishnaraj Rai
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aaradhya Bachchan and Brindya Rai pictured with photo by Krishnaraj Rai

She recently commemorated the anniversary of his death via an Instagram post. The caption read: “I love you forever, dearest Papa-Ajjaaa. Thank you for all your blessings.”

Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Priyanka Chopra Jonas comes from a vibrant family where both her parents are doctors. His father Ashok Chopra in particular, served as a doctor in the Indian Army. He died in 2013, losing his battle with cancer. Priyanka is a self-proclaimed “daddy's little girl,” as evidenced by the tattoo on her wrist.

On his 11th death anniversary, the actor penned a heartfelt message remembering his father. “The light in every room. You are still our brightest father. 11 years without you and it still doesn't seem real. I think of you today and every day,” she wrote.

Kiara Advani

Kiara Advani is the daughter of Sindhi businessman Jagdeep Advani. Like any concerned father, Jagdeep was also apprehensive about allowing Kiara to delve into the world of showbiz and try to make it big. However, it was their collective love for movies 3 idiots (2009) to be more specific, which convinced him to let her pursue her dreams.

On June 13, Kiara celebrated 10 glorious years in the industry.

Sidharth Malhotra

Sidharth Malhotra is the son of Sunil Malhotra, a former merchant navy captain. Sidharth has always been rather private when it comes to his personal life, wanting to keep it away from the limelight. His beautiful bond with his father, however, still manages to shine through.

Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra
Sidharth Malhotra with his father Sunil Malhotra

In a Father's Day post some time ago, Sidharth wrote, “Happy Father's Day to the captain of our ship, for sailing us smoothly through thick and thin. I love you, daddy lots of boats.”

Anushka Sharma

A true blue army kid, Anushka Sharma is the daughter of Colonel Ajay Kumar Sharma. In an interview in 2012, Anushka had recounted how her father had participated in all major wars since 1982. She was 11 years old when he fought in the Kargil war. Not really understanding the seriousness of the situation, she explained that she would continue to talk about school and her boyfriends during the limited time she spent on the phone with him. Several decades later, their relationship still remains the same.

Kangana Ranaut

Kangana Ranaut is the daughter of Amardeep Ranaut, a businessman. Kangana has been quite outspoken in the past, regarding her parents' initial disapproval when it came to pursuing arc lights. In fact, their relationship has seen many difficult days. In Kangana's own words, she was the 'unwanted little girl'. However, over the years, given her achievements and her belief in herself, Amardeep has come to accept his daughter's decisions and is now a proud and supportive father.

John Abraham

John Abraham's father, Abraham John, is an architect by profession. In a 2018 interview with Hindustan Times, John had explained how his father's loyal and direct nature greatly inspired him. He said: “My father is my hero, [and] not just because he's my father… He's been a straight man, always helped society and never shouted at people like we do as actors.”

He also explained that although his mother would love his worst movies, his father would always give him blunt advice, no matter how bitter it was. He added: “He talks like an audience member. With some films he even said, 'It's a waste of time!' He's my most vocal critic.”

Ayushmann Khurrana

Ayushmann Khurrana is the son of P Khurrana, a renowned astrologer. P Khurrana died in 2023. After his prayer meeting, Ayushmann wrote an emotional note, detailing everything he had learned from his father. “Thank you for your education, your love, your sense of humor and your fondest memories. Jai jai,” he concluded.

How will you celebrate Father's Day this year?




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