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Father's Day 2024: 5 Bollywood films that redefine the father-child bond!

Father's Day 2024: 5 Bollywood films that redefine the father-child bond!


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Check out the list of films that redefine the father-child bond with stories of love, support and growth.  (Archive photos)

Check out the list of films that redefine the father-child bond with stories of love, support and growth. (Archive photos)

Celebrate Father's Day with these heartwarming Hindi movies. From Dangal, Piku, Angrezi Medium to Chhichhore and Kapoor And Sons, here's a look at films that redefine the father-child bond in a modern way.

Bollywood, often presented as a mirror of society, has undergone a significant evolution in its representation of family relationships, particularly in the representation of fathers. There has been a notable shift from early depictions to more nuanced, modern narratives that explore the dynamic between fathers and their children. This development has deeply affected the public, reflecting changing societal norms and values.

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Now that we are all set to celebrate the superheroes in our lives on June 16, let's take a look at 5 Hindi films that redefined the pure bond between a father and his children with a modern approach:

Angrezi Medium (2020)

This extraordinary story of love, dreams and laughter explores the struggles of a forward-thinking father to realize his daughter's dreams as his daughter Tarika (Radhika Madhan) embarks on the journey to realize her ambition despite the challenges financial. The heartfelt storyline marked the late Irrfan Khan's last film. Apart from the duo, Kareena Kapoor Khan also played a pivotal role in the film.

Chhichhore (2019)

The film portrays the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput as a carefree student who undergoes a profound transformation into a responsible father figure. This change occurs when his son Raghav (played by Mohamad Samad) attempts suicide out of fear of being seen as a failure. It is at this critical moment that Sushant's character becomes Raghav's guiding light.

Kapoor and Sons (2016)

The chaotic family drama delves into the challenges faced by Amarjeet (Rajat Kapoor) while trying to care for an ailing father (Rishi Kapoor) and manage a turbulent bond with his wife and sons Rahul (Fawad Khan) and Arjun ( Sidharth Malhotra). During the quest for a unified portrait featuring all members of the family, they learn to accept each other's imperfections, resulting in a depiction of acceptance.

Dangal (2016)

The biographical drama starred Aamir Khan as Mahavir Phogat, who defied societal norms by training his daughters Geeta (played by Fatima Sana Shaikh) and Babita (played by Sanya Malhotra) in the demanding sport of wrestling. Despite worldwide skepticism about their abilities, Mahavir spared no effort to provide them with top-notch training, ultimately guiding them to the gold medal at the Olympics.

Fig (2015)

On a road trip with a taxi company owner, Rana (Irrfan Khan), Bhaskor (Amitabh Bachchan) and his daughter Piku (Deepika Padukone) share a series of heartwarming moments depicting a reversal of their roles. This honest portrait of elderly parents and their adult children beautifully captures modern age relationships.




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