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Read for all reasons – From top cop memoirs to Bollywood lyrics

Read for all reasons – From top cop memoirs to Bollywood lyrics


Prakash Singh, Memoirs of a Great Cop: Unforgettable Chapters (Rupa; Rs 395)

Dubbed an icon by former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, retired BSF Director General and prolific writer Prakash Singh has done a lot for the country's security in his official capacity.

Politics without the police is powerless. Without policy, the police would have no sense of direction. With this statement, Singh offers his readers an overview of the foundations of our policing systems, before addressing other functional aspects of maintaining order.

From difficult equations with politicians to fighting insurgency and securing the northeastern states, to defending the borders of Punjab and J&K, to cross-border operations, the autobiography of the top cops also traces his journey as an IPS officer.

A view into the captivating world of law enforcement explained in the words of a seasoned officer, this book is an insightful account of not only fighting insurgency and executing cross-border operations in the constant effort to securing the nation, but also how to set foot on the ground. The tightrope connects the police system to politicians and their interests. When it comes to introducing reforms in the police and its far-reaching impact on society, Singh's take-home message is that the person who wears the uniform also has power in his or her personal domain, given the complexity of our citizens.

William Gould, Santosh Dass and Christophe Jaffrelot, Ambedkar in London (Rupa; Rs 995)

This is a well-researched chronicle of the lesser-known period in the London life of the man hailed as the father of the Indian Constitution.

BR Ambedkar's political ideas have continued to inspire and mobilize people till date. His views on caste, labour, women, education, and people's rights and representation resonated not only in the country but also across the world.

This compilation explores Ambedkar's studies and publications based in London in the early 1920s, allowing a periscopic view of the global significance of Ambedkar's ideas. William Gould concludes that Ambedkar is immortalized as a unique historical figure whose broader political significance is unparalleled.

The book's co-authors are: William Gould, professor of Indian history at the University of Leeds; Santosh Dass, a former civil servant and human rights activist who called for a ban on caste-based discrimination in the UK; and Christophe Jaffrelot, professor of Indian politics and sociology at Kings College London.

Swami Mukundananda, Spiritual Secrets of Hinduism: Essence of the Vedic Scriptures (Rupa, Rs 295)

India stands out on the world map as the land of spirituality and divinity, arousing curiosity and fascination for its ancient system of knowledge, particularly Hinduism.

It is said that the wisdom of ancient rishis and sages was revealed to them and the accumulation of knowledge that thus took place enriched the heritage of India.

Sages and scholars gather their wisdom into sacred texts, which we call the Vedic scriptures. Apart from the Vedas, this body of knowledge also includes the Puranas, epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the Brahma Sutras and similar texts.

In search of the ultimate reality and absolute truth, many have been attracted to India and several people have even dedicated their lives to this land. The understanding of Hinduism that seems to be widely prevalent among the masses, however, is arguably vague. Bringing clarity to the discourse, this book helps one understand the essence of the Vedic scriptures. The author, Swami Mukundananda, a product of IIT Delhi and IIM Calcutta, is a world-renowned spiritual guru and an authority on mind management. He renounced his previous life of social and material success and embraced the status of a monk.

Sameer Anjaan and Shuja Ali, Sameer Lyrics: Stories Behind Iconic Songs (Rupa, Rs 295)

For an entire generation, Sameer Anjaan is synonymous with popular Bollywood numbers, including the title song from Dhoom.

But who knew that Shravan (of music director duo Nadeem-Shravan) had initially refused to let a newbie Ajay Devgn enter the recording studio because he was convinced that he was not a hero. It was only after Sameer's intervention that Shravan relented and allowed the now acclaimed actor inside. Moreover, the immensely popular title song of Dhoom would never have seen the light of day without Sameer, as Aditya Chopra had rejected his signature song! As interesting as the stories of Bollywood films are, the stories behind their making are equally interesting and intriguing. With as many as 50 such stories woven around some of Sameer's biggest hits and tales of disagreements between music composers and film directors, the co-authors, one of whom is the lyricist himself and l Another, accomplished screenwriter and director Shuja Ali. , offer an exclusive insight into the making of some of Sameer's most iconic compositions from over three decades.

Sameer Anjaan holds a Guinness World Record with over 640 films and 4,500 songs to his credit and is the recipient of several laurels, including three Filmfare trophies and the Shaheed Bhagat Singh Award.




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