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Renukaswamy murder case: 'Actor Darshan's fan given electric shocks as part of torture' | Bangalore News

Renukaswamy murder case: 'Actor Darshan's fan given electric shocks as part of torture' |  Bangalore News


BENGALURU: Lawyers defend Darshan and his girlfriend Pavithra Gowdawho were arrested along with 11 others for the murder of a 33-year-old intrusive fan Renukaswamyopposed the extension of their jail when all the accused were produced in court on Saturday evening.
How was Darshan responsible for the death when he had already left the scene? Pavithra, being the only woman in custody, faces a lot of mental agony, the lawyers said.But the preliminary round of the legal battle resulted in the court extending the accused's custody for another five days.
What was the deciding factor? First there was the appointment of lawyer Prasanna Kumar P to the post of special prosecutor (SPP). Second, his surprising statement: the victim (Renukaswamy) received electric shocks as part of torture by the accused! The SPP said Renukaswamy's body had 39 injuries, including 7-8 burns. The court was asked to extend the accused's custody by nine days and here are six reasons given by the police.
1) Need to recover mobile data
While pointing out that they have already seized the mobile phones of around ten suspects, including Darshan and Pavithra, the police said that some people had refused to share their passwords to unlock their phones while many had deleted all the passwords. data (call records and messages). This requires extracting the mobile data of the accused and recording their statements on the findings. It is relevant that their custody be extended to avoid the destruction or disappearance of evidence, police said.
2) Dive Deep Into social media accounts
The police also told the court that they had to recover the data linked to the social media accounts of the suspects, mainly accused number 1, Pavithra, as the main trigger was the communication between her and Renukaswamy on the social media accounts. The cops will also have to check the role of accused number 3, Pavan, as he allegedly created a fake account to trap Renukaswamy.
3) Need to take the accused to spot mahazar
Police said they had to take some of the suspects for a one-off mahazar in Mysuru and Chitradurga. The accused had traveled to Mysuru (from where Darshan was arrested) and other places before being arrested.
4) The suspect must attend the last rites of his father
The police also informed the court that they had to take an accused, Anu Kumar alias Anu, to his father's funeral rites in Chitradurga. Shortly after his father learned of Anus's termination, he died of cardiac arrest. His family refused to carry out the funeral without his presence.
5) Must seize the clothes of certain accused
Police told the court that they have already seized the clothes of a few accused, including Darshan and Pavitra, which they were wearing on the day of the June 8 assault. However, the clothes of a few other accused are yet to be seized. be seized.
6) Equipment used to give electric shocks
As there were burns on Renukaswamy's body, police said they needed the accused to trace the devices used to administer electric shocks to the victim. The devices used will also be considered weapons for killing.




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