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When Sonakshi Sinha revealed that her father Shatrughan Sinha didn't want her to get married: mom sometimes hints to abhi toh time hogaya | Bollywood News

When Sonakshi Sinha revealed that her father Shatrughan Sinha didn't want her to get married: mom sometimes hints to abhi toh time hogaya |  Bollywood News


Reports claiming that Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are getting married on June 23 have made headlines in recent days. While the couple remains silent, the wedding bells ring loudly with confirmations from family and friends like Poonam Dhillon, Yo Yo Honey Singh and Daisy Shah. Fans are excited to see Sonakshi as a bride, but the actor previously said that her father wouldn't want her to get married.

Shatrughan Sinha says his wife Poonam thought Sonakshi's birth had upset him.  (Photo: Instagram/@aslisona) Shatrughan Sinha with his wife Poonam Sinha and daughter Sonakshi (Photo: Instagram/@aslisona)

In a 2021 interview with Bollywood Bubble, Sonakshi revealed her family's views on marriage. Her father, Shatrughan Sinha, apparently prefers that she remain single. Sonakshi mentioned that her mother would sometimes suggest marriage, but quickly back down after her daughter's look. If it’s up to him (Shatrughan Sinha), he would never want me to get married. Mom sometimes drops this little bomb ki what happened right now (for her wedding) should be doneand I just give her a look and then she says to me ok hai ok hai (laughs),” she said.

Sonaksh Sinha also expressed her gratitude for her parents' support, allowing her to focus on her successful career without pressure. I'm happy that they gave me this kind of independence where until I'm not ready, they won't really like to sit on my head and be like Shaadi Karlo Beta,” she said. -she adds.

Sonakshi Sinha Sonakshi Sinha with Shatrughan Sinha, brothers Luv and Kush and Poonam Sinha. (Photo: Instagram/Sonakshi Sinha)

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As the wedding news swirled, Shatrughan Singh recently spoke to India Times, expressing her unwavering support for Sonakshi's choice. “I will always bless her,” he said, avoiding confirmation or denial.. He said that if Sonkashi got married, he would “gladly support her decision and choice”. The veteran actor further said that it is his right to choose.

The rumors were true! Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding invitation leaked
byu/nandinisharmans in BollywoodTown

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Earlier this week, a leaked wedding invitation audio gave a glimpse of Sonakshi Singh and Zaheer Iqbal's big day. The playful note began with Sonakshi greeting their “tech-savvy” family and friends. They remembered their seven-year journey filled with love, laughter and adventure, which led them to this special moment. To all our hip, tech-savvy friends and family and jasoos who managed to land on this page, hello, Sonakshi said. To which, Zaheer added, over the last seven years that we have been together, all the joy, love, laughter and many, many adventures have led us to this very moment.

“From boyfriend and girlfriend,” Sonakshi said, “to husband and wife,” Zaheer added. “Finally!” they exclaimed, inviting everyone to celebrate with them on June 23.

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