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Actor excluded from role of Superman due to his sexuality, report says

Actor excluded from role of Superman due to his sexuality, report says


The actor previously cast as Superman has claimed he was removed from the role after revealing his sexuality.

As far as superheroes go, they don't come much bigger than Superman. Over the decades, several actors have taken on the role of the Man of Steel, with varying degrees of success.

Superman (Christopher Reeve) looks upset as Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) laughs and Lenny Luthor (Jon Cryer) hides in the background
Credit: Warner Bros.

The original actor to play Superman (and his human alter ego, Clark Kent) was Kirk Alyn, who starred in serial Superman films in the late 1940s. After Alyn came George Reeves in Superman and the Mole Men ( 1951), then Christopher Reeve, whose performance in Superman (1948) and its three sequels is still considered by many to be the superior version of the character.

In the 21st century, we have had two cinematic Supermans so far: Brandon Routh in The Return of Superman(2006) (which technically serves as a sequel to Reeve's films) and Henry Cavill in Zack Snyder's film. Steel man(2013) and the rest of the DC Extended Universe, until he was unexpectedly removed from his role in 2022.

Henry Cavill as SupermanHenry Cavill as Superman
Credit: DC Studios

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During this period, several other Superman films came close to reaching production but failed. One of these was an early 2000s project written by JJ Abrams, thought to be titled Superman: Overview.

Although this film was never released theatrically, it did have its own Clark Kent at one point. Matt Bomer best known for playing the role of conman Neal Caffrey in the USA Network series White collar recently revealed during an appearance on The Hollywood Reporter podcast Rewards Discussion that he was cast as Superman for the film and actually signed on for three installments.

A man with wavy brown hair and stubble, looking like a seasoned actor, looks to his right.  He wears a black jacket over a white shirt.  The background features a brick wall with dark metal beams.A man with wavy brown hair and stubble, looking like a seasoned actor, looks to his right.  He wears a black jacket over a white shirt.  The background features a brick wall with dark metal beams.
Credit: USA Network

“This is a very first iteration of Superman written by JJ Abrams, called Superman: Overview, I think that’s what it was called, and it was never revealed,” he explained. “It seemed like I was the director's choice for the role. I signed a three-picture deal at Warner Bros.”

However, Bomer added that he believes he lost the role for a pretty shocking reason: his sexuality.

“Yeah, that’s my understanding,” Bomer said when asked if that was the case. “It was a time in the industry where something like that could still really be used as a weapon against you. How, why and who, I don't know, but yes, that's what I understand.

Bomer, now 46, came out publicly as gay in 2012 after thanking his partner, publicist Simon Halls, and their children during an acceptance speech for his Steve Chase Humanitarian Award.

A person with neatly styled hair, wearing a fitted black sweater, sits at a dimly lit table.  They seem to be in deep thought, looking slightly to the side.  The table contains a few glass objects, including a clear glass goblet in the foreground;  their attitude is reminiscent of an actor preparing to play a role.A person with neatly styled hair, wearing a fitted black sweater, sits at a dimly lit table.  They seem to be in deep thought, looking slightly to the side.  The table contains a few glass objects, including a clear glass goblet in the foreground;  their attitude is reminiscent of an actor preparing to play a role.
Credit: FX

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As Bomer also notes, Superman: Overview it never ended up happening. However, it is unclear when he was written out of the film and how much of that had to do with the film never coming to fruition.

Interestingly, Bomer has long been known for his similarities to Henry Cavill, who ultimately played Superman. Bomer played Superman in the animated film Superman freed (2013).

While we may have lost Bomer (and Cavill) as Superman, we'll soon have another actor in the role. With guardians of the galaxyalumnus James Gunn having left Marvel Studios for DC, we will see the release of Superman originally intended to be named Superman: Legacy in 2025.

James Gunn promoting the legacy of SupermanJames Gunn promoting the legacy of Superman
Credit: DC

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This new Superman The film will see David Corenswet playing the role of Krypton's greatest hero. Corenswet will be joined by Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl, Milly Alcock as Superman's cousin Supergirl, and Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, aka Green Lantern.

Once released in theaters,Superman will launch the all-new DC Universe, which replaces the DC Extended Universe. Gunn says this is not an origin story and will instead follow Superman's journey to reconcile his alien heritage with his adopted human family.

Who is your favorite Superman actor?




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