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Hollywood actor who starred alongside Tom Hanks leaves Coronation Street

Hollywood actor who starred alongside Tom Hanks leaves Coronation Street


Hollywood actor Robin Morrissey, who recently joined the cast of Coronation Street since Summer Spellman's boyfriend Felix decided to leave the show just weeks after its debut. Summer returned to Weatherfield with a new man after studying in America, much to Billy and Paul's surprise.

However, in upcoming episodes, Felix will bid farewell to Summer after hearing a derogatory message about her on Paul's Eyegaze device. As Billy and Todd scramble to find the mute button, Felix storms out.

Robin has been a major signing for ITV bosses, having starred alongside big names like Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Hugh Grant in the hit film Cloud Atlas – which was his first professional gig. Since then, he has appeared in numerous films and television series.

Robin Morrissey, who plays newcomer Felix, has decided to leave the Cobbles just weeks after his debutRobin Morrissey, who plays newcomer Felix, has decided to leave the Cobbles just weeks after his debut

Summer Spellman and Felix call at the apartment just in time to hear Paul Foreman. [PETER ASH] broadcasting a derogatory message about Felix on his Eyegaze. -Credit: ITV

The Liverpool-born star is also known for his role as Sergeant Fred Thompson in police drama The Tower.

After Robin's first scene, audiences were less than enthusiastic about his role, fearing that he would bring trouble to Summer's family, particularly through a potential cheating storyline involving Todd Grimshaw. This week, those concerns seemed justified as viewers questioned Felix's intentions towards Summer, doubting the romance she was hoping for, reports the mirror.

On social media platform “

Hollywood star Tom Hanks on the red carpetHollywood star Tom Hanks on the red carpet

Robin's most important role was alongside the famous Tom Hanks in Cloud Atlas – Credit: PA

Another viewer suggested: “Is Summer's boyfriend with her to study Paul up close. I don't know what to think of him. #Corrie” A third chimed in cautiously: “#corrie Don't let Felix s 'approach Paul.' And a fourth expressed complete distrust: “I don't like him, there's something wrong with him. Run summer, run #Corrie.”

From the start, Felix's particular fascination with Paul's situation raised eyebrows when he met Billy, Paul and Todd. Coronation Street Tina O'Brien shares some juicy scoops about her character Sarah Platt's mountainous relationship with Gary Windass, played by Mikey North.

When Sarah runs into a despondent Gary, he invites her to his apartment – ​​which he shares with Maria – in an attempt to cheer her up, leading to an emotional embrace between the two. But Gary conveniently forgets about Maria's hidden cameras set up to monitor her son Liam, which unfortunately filmed their encounter. And of course, as the series progress, Maria discovers them.

Tina spoke about the deep connection between Sarah and Gary in her interview with Metro, saying: “She has this weird connection with Gary, they always had this ability to say things to each other that they wouldn't say to other people.”

She added: “I think because he's seen her at her worst, I think they tend to go back to that depth of emotion. He shouldn't tell her how things went with Maria, but he did it, even though he knew it probably wasn't the right thing to do.”

“Did they think they were up to something, probably not, but were they breaking some code, yes. These are the conversations you're supposed to have with your partner, but they seem to be able to have them much more easily . with each other.

“There's definitely still a connection there, especially with Nathan returning to the scene. Gary was there when Bethany first experienced that, he knew exactly how horrible it was and right or wrong “I think he's doing what he can to try to help get Nathan out of sight.”




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