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James Brolin, Barbra Streisand's husband, still active at 83

James Brolin, Barbra Streisand's husband, still active at 83


James Brolin is busy. In addition to being the husband of Barbra Streisand and the father of Josh Brolinhe is an airplane pilot, race car driver, horse rider, dog trainer and home designer.

He doesn't seem to have slowed down although he is 83 years old.

In New York this week to promote season 3 of his Netflix series “Sweet Tooth,” Brolin told me, “I've been lucky lately, being busy. I love this stupid business.

Brolin is the narrator of the science fiction series co-produced by Robert Downey Jr., who hired him.

Originally from Los Angeles, Brolin was making films at age 15 before moving to the other side of the camera.

“I couldn’t give a speech. I always had trouble learning lines. But the more you practice, the better you get,” he said.

He has won an Emmy and two Golden Globe Awards.

Brolin is currently filming the Netflix series “Ransom Canyon,” alongside Minka Kelly and Josh Duhamel, and says, “It will replace “Yellowstone.”

Brolin said his disappointed father wanted him to become a lawyer. “He was sure I was making a mistake.”

He was parking cars in La Cienaga for $42 a week when he suddenly found himself under contract at Fox for more than double the salary.

When that contract expired, Brolin went to Universal where he hit it big with seven seasons on “Marcus Welby, MD”

He feels equally lucky to have met Streisand 28 years ago. “I never missed a single Barbra concert, 42 concerts in a row, anywhere in the world.”

Brolin doesn't trust his luck. “Life is too perfect. Something must go wrong any minute.


Fans of low-budget arthouse films were in heaven Tuesday night at the Quad Cinema to see “Killer of men”.

Directed by Tzvi, who looks like he's barely out of college, the film was produced for $10,000 with help from Cary Woods, the former agent of William Morris which launched Larry Clark, Harmony Korine and M. Night Shyamalan.

Explaining the appeal of his film — with dialogue that would fit on a postcard — Tzvi told the crowd that “Mad Max” creator George Miller once explained that he made “visual music.” .

“That’s why he’s so universally loved,” Tzvi said. “You can turn the sound off and people still feel it.”

Among those who felt it were Minnie Driver of “Goodwill Hunting,” Seth Gilliam of “The Wire” and Dan Fogler of “Fantastic Beasts.”


The big surprise at Mark Kostabi's party at his townhouse on W. 22nd St. was Lily Gottfried, 16, the daughter of the late Gilbert Gottfried.

One guest exclaimed, “She’s even more beautiful than Sophia Loren!”

Guests included Rosanne Cash's guitarist husband John Leventhal, promoter Adam Sands, producer Steve Garrin and manager Gene Luntz.

Music was provided by Diana Ross drummer Gerry Brown, White Zombie co-founder Paul Kostabi, and Rose Royce singer Sonya Hensley.

The wine and tequila came from importer Arty Dosortsev, but the teenage Gottfried couldn't imbibe it.


(L-R) Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck attend the Los Angeles premiere of the Warner Bros. film
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck attend the Los Angeles premiere of Warner Bros.' 'The Flash' at Ovation Hollywood on June 12, 2023 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images)

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's marital problems have lawyers on both coasts pontificating about what could happen to their estimated $700 million joint fortune, despite what has been described as an “ironclad prenup.”

Divorce lawyer Ken Jewell says the sale of their $60 million Beverly Hills mansion could become a sticking point because the court could consider it joint marital property.

The couple bought the mega house for cash in June 2023, when their love was still in high gear. Affleck reportedly moved out of the house, leaving J.Lo and their five children at the sprawling property, which real estate insiders say is quietly for sale.




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