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Bryson DeChambeau puts on one-man show at Pinehurst No. 2, leads U.S. Open by 3 – Orange County Register

Bryson DeChambeau puts on one-man show at Pinehurst No. 2, leads U.S. Open by 3 – Orange County Register



PINEHURST, N.C. Bryson DeChambeau ducked off the ropes to a private area in the woods, flat on his back while trainers worked on hips that seemed too tight. Moments later, he unleashed a swing that sent his drive 347 yards, leaving a wedge to set up a birdie and another fist pump.

DeChambeau delivered power, birdies and endless entertainment Saturday at the US Open. He turned No. 2 Pinehurst into a one-man show with a 3-under 67 and built a three-shot lead as he closed in on another U.S. Open title.

I'm just going to say it. Tomorrow it’s the same quote I’ve been saying all week: Try to have boring golf,” DeChambeau said. The middle of the greens never moves.

There was nothing boring about his performance before a sunny, delirious gallery at Pinehurst who ended a sweltering day chanting his name. He's always loved attention from fans, even more when they love him back.

Yeah, it was amazing. I can't thank them enough. It was a blessing, he said. Man, they pissed me off.

The feeling was clearly mutual.

At stake is a chance to win a second US Open title with a reinvented game that is still just as powerful and a physique that is not quite the Incredible Bulk that he was at Winged Foot in 2020.

There is still one final round with Rory McIlroy (69), Patrick Cantlay (70) and Matthieu Pavon (69) three shots behind and all seem capable of giving him a chance at the silver trophy.

I love the test that Pinehurst presents, and you have to concentrate on every shot, McIlroy said. This is what a US Open should be like. It’s obviously great to be in the mix.

DeChambeau, a one-shot runner-up last month at the PGA Championship with another top 10 at the Masters in April, was at 7-under 203. He is the only player to have three consecutive rounds of 60 in a U.S. Open at Pinehurst . No. 2.

Ludvig Aberg, the super Swede who began the third round with a one-shot lead, fell victim to the smooth, domed greens to make a triple bogey on the 13th hole that sent him to 73 and left him five shots back with Hideki. Matsuyama (70).

DeChambeau said it was two hips that didn't feel great following his speed training that led him to ask for a trainer and get worked on in the woods after the 10th hole.

He went to the 11th, drove a 347-yard drive, hit the wedge safely into the center of the green and holed a putt just outside of 12 feet to become the first player to reach 7 under all week .

With the tee slightly forward on the 13th, he wished aloud to try the green, thought it was impractical and told the gallery, “Don't boo me,” as he fumbled for iron. He missed the fairway into a bunker and sent his approach dancing near the cup.

He missed that 6-footer for birdie, but birdied the 14th and led by as many as four shots. But he was not safe from many, like so many others.

DeChambeau's shot at the 16th came off the front of the green. His chip was too weak and returned to his previous shot. His next shot was only slightly better and he missed the putt to make a double bogey. But he responded with a pitching wedge that narrowly cleared the dreaded bunker to the right of the par-3 17th and holed a 12-foot putt.

Pavon, a winner at Torrey Pines in his first year on the PGA Tour, joined DeChambeau as the only player to avoid an over-par round this week. He saved one in front of a grass brush and attacked the pins when he could to get into the final group.

I'm not afraid to take photos. I was never afraid to take photos, he said.

McIlroy and Cantlay, opponents in the Ryder Cup and in the PGA Tour boardroom, will be in the penultimate group. They stayed in different ways.

McIlroy started to take off from the start of the back nine, making a good 10-foot birdie at the 12th, a key 6-foot par save on the 13th, a wedge to tap into the range at the 14th and another huge par save on the 16th.

But he dropped two shots on the par 3s and found himself further behind than he would have liked. It's still a chance. He said last year, when he was runner-up at the US Open, that I would spend 100 Sundays like this to get my hands on another major championship.

He's here with another chance to finish a decade without specializing.

The same goes for Cantlay, who also had a solid putting performance. Cantlay missed all his good birdie chances, but he stayed in the match with five par-saving putts of 7 feet or longer. He also made a 20-foot birdie putt on the 17th that kept him within range.

I feel like I'm in a good place,” Cantlay said.




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