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Sonali Bendre reacts to fan ending her life by jumping into lake after not seeing her: How can anyone | Bollywood News

Sonali Bendre reacts to fan ending her life by jumping into lake after not seeing her: How can anyone |  Bollywood News


Sonali Bendre enjoyed huge success in the 90s and early 2000s. Known for her stunning looks and captivating screen presence, she became one of the most admired actresses in Bollywood. Her grace and charm made her a favorite with audiences and critics alike, even as her ability to portray a wide range of characters with elegance and poise endeared her to fans across the country.

In a recent conversation with Noonthis is for The Bombay Film Podcast, the Duplicate The actress was asked if she was aware of an incident involving the death of a fan in Bhopal, in which a young man tragically jumped into one of the city's lakes after failing to see Sonali during his visit to the city. Sonali, visibly taken aback and finding it hard to believe that someone could put in so much effort for an on-screen personality, reacted: It's true? (Is it true?). How can anyone

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Recounting the days when she received fan mail, a common phenomenon in the 90s, she added: “There would be fan mail. We wondered if it was real blood. I would be broken if that were the case. Better to enjoy it and leave it at that. How can people put humans on such a pedestal, from which they will fall anyway?

Reflecting on fan culture and the intense obsession with Bollywood stars, Sonali shared that she couldn't understand this kind of “obsession with someone”, expressing her inability to understand how someone could place a human being on such a high pedestal, believing that the person would inevitably fall from it. That's why she said, “I could never put anyone on a pedestal like that.” »

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Sonali was a teenager when she began her modeling career before moving on to acting. At age 19, she made her film debut in 1994 with the film Aag and quickly rose to fame with notable performances in films such as Diljale (1996), Sarfarosh (1999) and Hum Saath-Saath Hain (1999). Even after experiencing success and fame at a young age, the actress credits her parents for allowing her to keep her feet on the ground. Her upbringing, which had her moving from town to town, meant she was constantly integrating with new groups of people at school.

“You're used to being alone.” You are used to being alone. You're used to being in a room where people are friends, but you don't know them. This kind of peer pressure and the desire to be accepted can push you to do a lot of things. But with that kind of education, I was able to take my time, open my book, read, and get to know people slowly. And I think that kept me grounded. I didn't open up to people because I just needed to be with people,” she added.

Sonali, who was last seen in the second season of Broken News, in a recent interview with The Indian Expressexplained how the industry has changed dramatically since the '90s, when she started out as an actress.

Sonali said, “The industry has changed dramatically. The 90s were a time where only certain types of stories could be told because they only had to fill a single screen. Your movie had to contain everything drama, action, item number, etc. This left very little room for different types of storytelling. Then the multiplexes came along and we were all very excited that different types of stories could be told. Today is OTT where there are no restrictions on the type of stories that can be told. It's incredible.

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