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Father's Day 2024: Say 'I Love You, Dad' With These Best Bollywood Songs!

Father's Day 2024: Say 'I Love You, Dad' With These Best Bollywood Songs!


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Papa Kehte Hain from the movie Qayamat se Qayamat Tak and Dilbaro from Raazi are two of the most popular songs.

Papa Kehte Hain from the movie Qayamat se Qayamat Tak and Dilbaro from Raazi are two of the most popular songs.

If you are planning to do something very special for your father, why not surprise him with a Bollywood classic? Trust us, there's nothing like a heartfelt song to make her feel the most special person.

Father's Day is a special time when we can give our fathers all the love and appreciation they deserve. This is the perfect time to reflect on their unwavering support, unwavering love, and sacrifices they have made for us. Father's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, usually on the third Sunday in June, although the exact date may differ in some regions.

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In India, Father's Day is celebrated today, June 16. Now, if you are planning to do something very special for your father, why not surprise him with a Bollywood classic? Trust us, there's nothing like a heartfelt song to make her feel the most special person.

Father's Day 2024: heartfelt songs for your father

  1. Dad says what (from Qayamat to Qayamat Tak)Aamir Khan's debut film Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak gave us more than just a glimpse of his talent, it gave us the timeless song of Papa Kehte Hain. Beautifully sung by Udit Narayan and written by Majrooh Sultanpuri, the song is the ultimate anthem for all graduates heading out into the big world after college. With its catchy melody and relatable lyrics, it's no wonder this song has been a favorite for over three decades. If you're looking to add a touch of Bollywood nostalgia to your Father's Day celebration, you know which song needs to be on your playlist.
  2. Papa Meri Jaan (Animal)In the film Animal, Ranbir Kapoor appears in a story that celebrates the unbreakable bond between a father and son. The film also has a heartwarming track, Papa Meri Jaan, which will definitely resonate with you and your father. The song is sung by Sonu Nigam and composed by Harshavardhan Rameshwar with lyrics by Raj Shekhar. It beautifully reflects the love and admiration of a son for his father. Add it to your reading list and see how it strengthens the bond with your father even more.
  3. Dilbaro (Raazi)Raazi struck a chord with the audience not only for its gripping storyline but also for its emotional depth, especially in the song Dilbaro. The track features Alia Bhatt with her on-screen father Rajit Kapur. The song beautifully shows the eternal bond of father-daughter relationship. Composed by the trio of Shankar Ehsaan Loy, Dilbaro is brought to life by the soulful voices of Harshdeep Kaur, Shankar Mahadevan and Vibha Saraf.
  4. Pitah Se Naam Hai Tera (Boss)Have you seen the 2013 movie Boss? The film features a track titled Pitah Se Naam Hai Tera which really hits the mark when it comes to honoring dads. The song is sung by Sonu Nigam and musical duo Meet Bros with lyrics Kumaar. It's a heartfelt dedication that will resonate with your dad and make him feel truly special.
  5. Meri Duniya Tu Hi Re (Hey baby)Get ready to experience heartwarming vibes with Meri Duniya Tu Hi Re from the movie Heyy Baby. Featuring Akshay Kumar, Ritesh Deshmukh, Fardeen Khan and baby Juanna Sanghvi, this song is pure joy. It's perfect to make your dad smile this Father's Day.




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