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Smallville Superman Actor Tom Welling Is Imagined As Two New Justice League Heroes In DC Universe Art

Smallville Superman Actor Tom Welling Is Imagined As Two New Justice League Heroes In DC Universe Art



  • Smallville actor Tom Welling reimagined as Batman and Green Lantern in new DC art from Buffy2Ville on Instagram.
  • The Smallville Season 11 comic briefly features Welling's Superman as Green Lantern, interacting with John Stewart.
  • Possibility of Welling taking on another DC role in James Gunn's universe while potentially honoring Superman's legacy.

DC Universe Art Sees Small city Actor Tom Welling trades his role as Superman for two other iconic Justice League heroes. Before the Arrowverse launched, Small citythe oldest Superman live-action television show, was the CW's premier superhero property for years. Small city essentially paved the way for Greg Berlanti's DC TV Universe to become a possibility on The CW, to the point where the Arrowverse even included Welling's superhero drama during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

While Welling became one of the most beloved actors to portray Superman in live-action following his run on Small city, Buffy2Ville have shared some new DC art in which they imagine the DC veteran as two different Justice League superheroes. The Welling Gallery sees the Small city directing both Batman and Green Lanternwhile presenting him with a classic Superman costume.

Even though it didn't happen in the series, Small city Season 11 – which is Welling's TV series canon – saw his version of Superman interact with the Green Lantern Corps, including John Stewart. Although only briefly, Welling's version of Superman actually became a Green Lantern for a temporary period in the world. Small city season 11 comic strip. Small city season 11 is also where Welling's incarnation of the Man of Steel was finally introduced to Batmanas he was never allowed to appear on the show.


10 Best Smallville Episodes Every Superman Fan Must Watch

Smallville was a unique take on the Superman story and had many great episodes that gave Superman fans a new appreciation for Clark Kent.

Which DC characters would make the most sense for Tom Welling

With James Gunn's DC Universe looming, it's possible Welling could take on another DC role to add to his role. Small city legacy. While Welling is unlikely to play another superhero role, many crucial characters in the DC Universe don't fall into that category. It is also essential to remember that if a Small city a sequel ever happens, having Welling playing Superman in one universe and another hero in Gunn's DC franchise might be a step too far.

Even if we don't call him anymore Superman: LegacyDavid Corenswet Superman the film could still move towards honoring Superman's great legacy and history on screen. In the past, other Superman actors have appeared in later DC projects, playing a role related to said film or TV show's version of Man of Steel. For the DC Universe, it would be a fun legacy casting to see Welling potentially play Jor-El, Kal-El's biological father, in reference to his history in the franchise.

If he didn't appear on screen, Welling might just voice Jor-El as part of the Fortress of Solitude. If Jor-El is presented physically, the Small city The star could even play Superman's father through flashbacks and even potentially in hologram form in the Fortress of Solitude, paying homage to a former Man of Steel in the upcoming big screen adaptation of the DC legend. But for now, time will tell if Welling will ever feature again in DC's on-screen adaptations outside of his role. Small city role.

Source: Buffy2Ville/Instagram




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