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'Thelma & Louise' must 'never' be a remake

'Thelma & Louise' must 'never' be a remake


In the pantheon of great Hollywood films with strong feminist connotations, Thelma & Louise, with Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon, remains the contemporary standard-bearer. The MGM crime drama written by Callie Khouri about two best friends on the run (who meet again And their talent for taking down bad guys in the process) was a commercial and critical success when it was released theatrically in May 1991.

With a splashy Cannes premiere to kick it off, the film grossed more than $45 million at the box office (in 1991 dollars and on a budget of $16.5 million) and earned six Academy Award nominations. , with a win for Best Original Screenplay for the first time. the writer Khouri.

GARFIELD, (aka THE GARFIELD MOVIE), Garfield (voice: Chris Pratt), 2024. Columbia Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F - (L to R) Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley and Taylour Paige as Jane Saunders in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. Cr.  Melinda Sue Gordon/Netflix 2024.

And yes, it was directed by a man. That Ridley Scott is at the helm of this feminist masterpiece still surprises some – or at least those who aren't entirely familiar with the filmmaker's immense body of work. Even star Davis still feels the need to remind people, as she told IndieWire during a recent conversation at the Bentonville Film Festival, which she founded and chairs.

“That's why I always say a man directed 'Thelma & Louise,' I mean, not to promote men,” Davis said with a laugh. “But to say women can run anything, men can run anything. You just have to put your heart into it. »

And Scott really had a heart for it. The filmmaker had initially planned to produce the film only after it was offered to him by Mimi Polk Gitlin (who was running his production company at the time), and purchased its rights for $500,000, before adding other financiers and producers to the project to get it released. floor.

“Ridley is actually quite a feminist, and almost all women run his company and work with his company. He loves and worships women,” Davis said. “He didn't intend to direct it himself, but when he met with other directors, he passionately described what he wanted it to be. He hasn't found anyone who matches this passion. “Well, I should just make it happen myself.” He obviously did a remarkable job. He did an incredible job.

Even now, Davis is only too happy to talk about Scott's contributions, which helped tell the story of two down-on-their-luck best friends who turn the tables (and then, well, come back) on a wild ride across United States. West and Midwest.

“Susan and I will talk about it again: He gave it a scale,” Davis said. “It was a very intimate story. It gave him a scale and a view that truly elevated him. It was very, very important and we are really grateful for it.

THELMA & LOUISE, (aka THELMA AND LOUISE), from left: Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon, 1991, ©MGM/courtesy Everett Collection
'Thelma and Louise'©MGM/courtesy Everett / Everett Collection

And what about Hollywood's current trend of remaking beloved films like “Thelma & Louise”? In recent years, wild rumors have persisted about a potential new take, like one involving no less than Beyoncé and Lady Gaga, chatter that went very viral last year even though it didn't go anywhere at all. Other creators have tried to put a spin on it in different mediums (like a music workshop held with Evan Rachel Wood and Amanda Seyfried last year).

Davis is clear: don't do it!

“Well, you should never do it again,” she said. “I mean, it’s like 30 years later, and he’s holding up better than most.” I'm not saying this because I'm into it, but it really holds water. And there is no need to return to it. What would be the goal? In my opinion.”

Davis isn't opposed to all remakes, however, as she noted her interest in seeing films that weren't classics in their first iteration — like “Thelma & Louise” — getting a refresh on the big screen.

“It should be better,” she said. “I'm all for remaking films that didn't really work and making it work. That would be great. Thank goodness no one ever tried to remake “Casablanca” or anything like that. … So far! I am grateful. I wouldn't be happy about it.




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