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Victoria JazzFest captures the evolution of the art form

Victoria JazzFest captures the evolution of the art form


The festival, which takes place from June 21 to 30, offers a rich program highlighting the new tones of jazz, blues, world music and much more.

It's billed as 10 hot days and nights of Victoria's coolest music.

The TD Victoria International JazzFest has been running for 40 years now and this year's festival, which runs from Friday June 21 to Sunday June 30, will take place on nine stages across Victoria.

What's exciting about this music is that it's constantly evolving, said Kristen Binley, the festival's communications and programming assistant.

We can start with traditional forms (of jazz), but there are now artists with a more avant-garde approach who are making the jazz world vibrate. Take Veronica Swift, who incorporates pop and rock into her vocal style and songwriting, or improvisational artists like Bellbird and Konrad Agnes who really set a new tone, Binley said, referring to the three artists on this lineup. year.

Marquee Series ticketed festivals are set to delight fans with spectacular programming at McPherson Playhouse and the Royal Theatre. The series kicks off June 21 with four-time Grammy Award winner Booker Ts Stax Revue and Juno Award winner Blue Moon Marquee, who will open with their blend of American blues and folk, gypsy jazz and swing on Native American themes.

On Sunday June 23, Australian singer-songwriter Ziggy Alberts will take to the stage at the Royal Theater with support act Garret Kato. On June 25, Veronica Swift and the Kjetil Mulelid Trio, a Norwegian group that became one of Europe's premier jazz piano groups, will perform at the McPherson Playhouse.

On Wednesday June 26, ten-time Grammy Award winners Take 6 share a double bill with jazz powerhouse Morgan James at the Royal Theatre.

Other ticketed events as well as free performances take place on the festival's other stages, including one of the newer venues in Bullen Park, at 527 Fraser Street, right next to the Esquimalt Recreation Centre.

Free performances, to celebrate the 40th JazzFest, include Busty and the Bass, Blase Blase and Downtown Mischief.

The full JazzFest show schedule and tickets are available at




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