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Bollywood Hindi Songs: Piano/Keyboard Techniques Workshop, Sat June 29, 2024, 11:00 a.m.

Bollywood Hindi Songs: Piano/Keyboard Techniques Workshop, Sat June 29, 2024, 11:00 a.m.


I am planning this exciting in-person workshop (location is listed at the end of this description) where I will explain and demonstrate the art of playing Bollywood songs on the piano. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, this session will cover various techniques and tips to help you master the melodies and rhythms of popular Bollywood tunes on the piano or electronic keyboard.
I will provide some quick tips with a live demonstration of playing beautiful Bollywood melodies on the piano keyboard and explain the workshop process and techniques.

If you already know how to play songs on the piano but can't really perform them solo or it doesn't sound right, this workshop is a must. You won't get this information anywhere else, not even on YouTube. Youtube is not interactive, this workshop will be interactive. I'll answer your questions, show you what you need to know and more.

If you want to start playing but are wondering if you'll be able to, come see if this helps.

I will be doing this in my apartment so space is limited. So register quickly. I have set a minimum amount for this workshop to ensure that real interested people attend. I hope you don't mind this small amount.

Note :
– This workshop is not intended for singing or any instrument other than the piano. Please take this into account before registering.
– This workshop is mainly limited to Hindi Bollywood songs and music played on piano or synthesizer only. If you're not interested in Bollywood music, this isn't for you. I could take a few examples from Western pop to demonstrate a musical concept.
– You must not bring your instrument to this workshop. I have 3 pianos in my apartment and I am going to demonstrate how to use them.
– If you register late, I will try to repeat what was covered, but depending on what you are missing, I may not be able to repeat everything. So be there on time, or even a little early.
– There is a limited number of street side parking spaces near my community. Please park at the Saratoga Square/Lion complex which is across my community and walk to my house (approximately 5-8 minutes walk). So take some time to find parking and get to my place.
– Do not take young children if they cannot keep quiet. It will bother others.
– If you are a seasoned piano musician, you are welcome to attend and share your experiences with the audience. I'll give you some time to talk and demonstrate.
– I will communicate in English and Hindi, where appropriate, as well as in Marathi if there are Marathi people among the participants. English/Hindi will be the primary language.

Location: Park Kiely Apartments, Kiely and Norwalk Intersection, San Jose, CA 95129. Actual apartment number will be provided the day before the event.




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