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Biden's Hollywood fundraiser: Obama takes aim at Trump's guilty verdict; Here's Who Attended the Star-Studded $30 Million Event in Los Angeles

Biden's Hollywood fundraiser: Obama takes aim at Trump's guilty verdict;  Here's Who Attended the Star-Studded $30 Million Event in Los Angeles


Hollywood sensations George Clooney and Julia Roberts shared the pedestal with White House residents Saturday night for President Biden's record-breaking re-election fundraiser. The headliners of the glitzy guest list brought their star power to the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles as the sitting president's campaign raised more than $30 million at the one-night-only gala, according to CNN.

TOPSHOT - US President Joe Biden (L) alongside former US President Barack Obama on stage during a campaign fundraiser at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, June 15, 2024. (AFP)
TOPSHOT – US President Joe Biden (L) alongside former US President Barack Obama on stage during a campaign fundraiser at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, June 15, 2024. (AFP)

Less than a day after allegedly getting caught up in controversial headlines targeting his cognitive health, Biden went all gilded amid a star-studded crowd with former President Barack Obama by his side.

In that gleaming 7,100-seat venue in Los Angeles, Late-Night host Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Biden and Obama, who also joined forces to tear former president and presumptive Republican nominee Trump a new one. As the Biden-Harris campaign announced Sunday morning, the event raised a historic $30 million, which not only eclipsed the $26 million raised in May, but also set a record for a Democratic fundraiser.

However, he was still trailing his main rival in the presidential campaign, whose fundraising grew significantly despite his felony convictions. The former president's campaign claimed to have raised $52.8 million in 24 hours after his guilty verdict on all 34 counts in the secret New York trial. On top of that, the Trump campaign also said it raised a record $50.5 million during the Florida fundraiser in April.

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Former President Barack Obama and Joe Biden attack Donald Trump

Biden started the conversation with his opening shot, I could have done nothing and done better than him.

Ultimately, Obama indicted Trump's freshly stamped criminal record. Look, part of what's happened over the last few years is that we have normalized behavior that used to be disqualified.

He continued: The other spectacle of the candidate of one of the two major parties is appearing in court and being found guilty by a jury of his peers on 34 counts. You have his foundation, it's not allowed to operate because it was engaging in monkey business and wasn't actually philanthropic. This organization was prosecuted for non-payment of taxes. There was a time when we had certain core values ​​that we agreed with. We believed in fundamental honesty. We believed in paying your taxes. We believed that we had to make sure not to make fun of [prisoners of war]that we did not seek to politicize our military, that we respected the vote.

Framing the presidency as a relay race, Obama praised Biden's work: I'm very proud of what the Biden administration has accomplished. It reminds us that we don't have to vote against anything in this election. We have so much to worry about and a whole agenda to worry about, but we can be proud to say what an amazing job Joe has done.

Kimmel also had plenty of jabs for Trump, as he even identified him as Orange Julius Caesar and President Danye West.

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As the flood of fiery comebacks caught up with Biden, he continued his attack on Trump's name. Look, he's the only president, other than Herbert Hoover, to lose more jobs than he started with. He increased the national debt by a trillion dollars. He planned a $2 trillion tax cut to [the super wealthy]which has only increased the debt and impacted ordinary people, their ability to function and grow, the sitting president said.

Although jokes were plentiful at the event, Biden also addressed warnings about a possible second Trump term, which could change the way the country views a host of issues, including gay rights, contraception, Roe v Wade and many more.

An even more solemn image unfolded at the event, just as it did at the May fundraiser. Pro-Palestinian protesters surrounded the Los Angeles fundraiser, wearing shirts with messages like Not in Our Name and Ceasefire Now. Other signs held by protesters sent messages saying Stop killing Palestinians amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Guest List Reported for Biden Reelection Campaign Fundraiser

Thousands of people bought tickets for the fundraiser, which reportedly started from $250 and reached $500,000. While the first won an attendee a great distance from the stage, the second included a premium seating package, photos with Biden and Obama and a ticket to a VIP afterparty.

Some of the prominent personalities present at this Hollywood event were:

  • George Clooney
  • Julia Robert
  • Jimmy Kimmel
  • Barbra Streisand
  • Jason Bateman
  • Jack Black
  • Sheryl Lee Ralph
  • Catherine Hahn
  • Keegan-Michael Key
  • Misha Collins
  • Connie Britton
  • Mandana Dayani
  • Jeri Ryan
  • Blake Cooper Griffin
  • Adam met
  • Jonathan DelArco
  • Last ropes
  • The silhouettes
  • Bryan Lourd
  • Richard Lovett
  • Governor Gavin Newsom
  • Karen Bass, Mayor of Los Angeles
  • The Biden family, including First Lady Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, Ashley Biden, grandchildren Naomi and Maisy Biden and others.




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