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The best French hotel dishes at the special request of a Hollywood star

The best French hotel dishes at the special request of a Hollywood star


The famous hotel expects a new boom in tourism thanks to the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. Amaury Laparra

The Carlton Hotel in Cannes is undoubtedly the unofficial center of Cannes Lions and the Cannes Film Festival.

This week, advertising executives, media types and wannabes will flock to the Carlton's famous terrace and bring back copious amounts of roses until the wee hours of the morning before rushing to their Airbnbs, only to do it all again the next day .

Management at the famous hotel answered some of Page Six's burning questions about the debauchery that goes on during the publicity fest and the recent renovation of the hospitality gem.

The Carlton Cannes Hotel is the unofficial outpost of the Cannes Film Festival and the Cannes Lions Festival. Romeo Balancourt

Q: How many bottles of rosé does the hotel consume on average during the Cannes Lions Festival?

Carlton Cannes: 3,500 bottles (more precisely, 2,510 75cl bottles, 710 1.5L Magnums, 175 5L Jroboam, 105 6L Methuselah).

Q: What about the Cannes Film Festival?

CC : 4,050 bottles (or 1,830 regular bottles, 1,065 Magnums, 525 Jroboam, 630 Methuselah).

Question : During Cannes Lions, the Carlton terrace is always packed. How many people on average spend there each night?

CC : During the busy Cannes Lions period, the terrace of Restaurant Riviera is always bustling with activity. On average, the terrace welcomes around 230 guests each evening, with 70 seats inside and 160 outside.

The fame of this terrace is that it is the only elevated terrace on the Croisette, offering diners a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Carlton Hotel's Riviera Terrace is a meeting place day and night. Richard Haughton

Q: What is the most extravagant or strangest thing a guest has ever asked?

CC : During the last Cannes Film Festival, Quentin, our head bartender at the Carlton Beach Club, had the chance to present a signature cocktail to a renowned Hollywood actress. She was so taken with the drink that she asked Quentin for the recipe to serve it at her summer birthday. Quentin has prepared a special delivery bringing together the recipe as well as all the necessary ingredients, including a specific preparation whose details remain a well-kept secret.

Q: The Carlton recently underwent a major renovation, rumored to cost more than $376 million. Could you tell us about it?

CC : The Carlton Cannes underwent a profound metamorphosis which lasted six years, including 2.5 years of closure. Since reopening, we have been offering our customers an even more exceptional experience. With its ideal location in the heart of the famous Croisette, our establishment exudes a new aura and timeless charm, elegantly combining heritage and modernity. The two recently renovated wings reveal opulent suites, our magnificent interior garden houses a bar and an infinity pool, and our fitness & spa area invites you to absolute relaxation.

The Carlton beach club on Cannes beach. Romeo Balancourt

Question : Could you describe your most expensive suite?

CC : The renovation was accompanied by two major suites. The Katara Suite, a two-bedroom suite located on the top floor of the hotel. Each of its panoramic windows and bay windows open onto two vast terraces, offering a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Cannes. Next up is the Penthouse Suite, a 2 bedroom apartment with its own private rooftop. The private swimming pool and the outdoor kitchen invite guests to moments of conviviality and relaxation. The Penthouse and all the residences housed in the hotel extensions are the ideal choice for extended stays with family or friends, as well as for hosting congresses, fairs and private events, such as during Cannes Lions.

Q: You worked with Mike Tyson to become the hotel gym's boxing ring ambassador last year. Do you think he will come to train before his big fight with Jake Paul? Is the ring used a lot during the year?

CC : We hope so, it would be a pleasure to welcome you again. His daughter practices tennis in the area, so he is often nearby.

The boxing ring at C Club Fitness is used daily and is popular with everyone, from top models to businessmen, boxing enthusiasts to cardio fans.

Mike Tyson became the boxing ring ambassador at Carlton's Le Club C FItness last year. Richard Melloul

Question : Speaking of another celebrity collaboration, you teamed up with Brad Pitt for a special cocktail last year. Is it still on the menu and if so, is it popular?

CC : The “Secret Garden” cocktail remains one of the most popular for several reasons: it is made with Brad Pitt's famous gin and personalized by our expert mixologists on site, it is inspired by our magnificent indoor garden, but above all, it is simply delicious! So yes, it's still on the menu and it continues to be a favorite.

Question : What are the hidden gems of the hotel restaurant and bar menus that guests must try?

CC : In addition to the famous Riviera Restaurant and the Carlton Beach Club, which already have an excellent reputation, we recommend trying the Rya Restaurant. It offers a vibrant atmosphere and cuisine rich in unique flavors from the Anatolian region. The restaurant is friendly and dynamic, with a resident DJ. The plus: a terrace with a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea.

Le Carton indicates that during the Cannes Lions, around 3,500 bottles of rosé are consumed. Richard Haughton

Question : Do you expect an increase in tourism after the Paris Olympics?

CC : The increase in tourism driven by the Paris Olympics is expected to have a positive impact on the entire country, including Cannes. The Côte d'Azur, renowned for its luxury, natural beauty and cultural wealth, could benefit significantly. Carlton Cannes invites its guests to live the Riviera life to the fullest! Located in the beating heart of the French Riviera, this high-luxury hotel complex is a destination in itself. From designer suites to elegant residences, lush gardens to exquisite restaurants, legendary beach club to state-of-the-art boxing ring, a festive collection of experiences awaits to create everlasting memories.




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