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Daniel Radcliffe wins first Tony Award

Daniel Radcliffe wins first Tony Award


You're a Tony winner, Daniel Radcliffe.

The actor won the Tony Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical for Merry we ride. Radcliffe plays lyricist and playwright Charley Kringas in the revival of Stephen Sondheim and George Furth's 1981 musical. The original production lasted only 12 days before shutting down.

“I’m just going to speak quickly and try not to cry,” Radcliffe began his acceptance speech. “It was one of the best experiences of my life. It's incredible. »

“It's an honor to be on stage with you every night,” he added of his co-stars, Jonathan Groff and Lindsay Mendez, and the musical's entire cast. He then took a moment to thank his parents, present in the audience.

“Happy Father’s Day, Dad,” he said near the end of his speech. “Thank you for playing Sondheim in the car and loving me.”

In his speech, the actor also thanked the Broadway League and the American Theater Wing, which presents the Tonys; director Maria Friedman; Sondheim and Furth for writing the original musical; everyone at the Hudson Theater who brings the show to life; his agent; the dresser; and singing teacher, among others.

Since the end of his ten-year term as Harry PotterRadcliffe has found a new type of success, having received his first Emmy nomination in 2023 for his portrayal of Weird Al Yankovic in Bizarre: the story of Al Yankovic and now his first Tony win.

“It’s amazing,” the actor said backstage after his win. “When I'm done Potter, I had no idea what my career would be. I had already started doing things on stage, but I had no idea what the future had in store for me. So having spent the last year playing Weird Al and also doing Merry us Roll along, I think there was… playing a character for a long time kindles in you a desire to do as many things as possible. So yeah, I'm doing that right now.

Radcliffe was faced with Back to the Future: The MusicalIt's Roger Bart, The foreigners“Joshua Boone and Sky Lakota-Lynch, Hell's Kitchenby Brandon Victor Dixon and Cabaret at the Kit Kat ClubIt's Steven Skybell.

Merry we ride marked the actor's fifth Broadway production and his first Tony nod. Joyfully It also won best revival of a musical, best lead actor in a musical for Groff and best orchestrations for Jonathan Tunick.

THE lost city the star made her Broadway debut in 2008 with Equus. “I didn’t know how the world was going to see me once these films were finished,” he said. The Hollywood Reporter during his 2024 Tony Nominees roundtable. “Between Equus And How to succeed [in Business Without Really Trying, his second Broadway show]this place gave me a chance to be something else and to discover who I was as an actor.

Merry we ride tells the story of three lifelong friends, played by Radcliffe, Groff and Mendez. The musical begins in the present day, when the three friends have separated, and travels back to the beginning of their friendship almost two decades earlier. He navigates between success, show business and indestructible links.

The 2024 Tony Awards, taking place at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York, will air in two parts on Sunday evening. The first act, aka the pre-show, was hosted by Julianne Hough and Utkarsh Ambudkar and featured a presentation of the first set of awards. The main ceremony, hosted by Ariana DeBose, aired immediately afterwards on CBS and Paramount+.

Check out Tony's red carpet looks here.




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