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Father's Day is very special for coaches | News | Daily Sun Villages

Father's Day is very special for coaches |  News |  Daily Sun Villages


A father is asked to wear many hats when raising his children.

He is often responsible for protecting them, providing for them, and being a role model for them as they grow into adulthood. He also and above all works tirelessly to ensure their success.

In addition to these tasks, a select few fathers have the opportunity to play a full role in their children's sporting careers.

At Villages High School, each athletic team is led by a coach who takes a vested interest in the well-being and triumphs of each athlete, but four of these coaches also father one or more athletes on their teams.

Brian Rausch, James Probola, Marquez Porter and Jason Poplaski all wear the father and coaching hats.

Brian and Anna Rausch

The coach-player relationship between Brian and Anna Rausch began long before Anna put on a VHS football uniform.

Football has been a big part of the Rausch household for much of Anna and her brother Payton's lives. Brian had the opportunity to coach both of his children, but his journey with Anna began in youth soccer when she was 10 years old. As he watched her grow throughout her childhood, he also saw her grow as a soccer player.

We left everything related to football on the field, explained Brian. After practices or games, we never got in the car and really talked about what she might have done right (or) what she might have done wrong. It was more, let's just give it 24 or 48 hours. Next week, when we start training again, well, let's talk about it.

Even though Brian and Anna were very serious about field production, they never let that intensity negatively affect family life.

When Anna arrived on the VHS varsity roster during her eighth grade year, Brian made the transition from coaching the boys' junior varsity team to head coach of the girls' varsity team. In their first year on Buffalo's roster, Brian and Anna helped win a district title.

With him coming in, coaching girls in high school for the first time, for that team to be able to win the district championship, I think that was really special for him and it was really special for us, Anna said.

Throughout Anna's years as a student-athlete at VHS, the two remained together despite success and hardship. In all five years, they led Buffalo to district championships. Anna continued to become a leader. Then, during her junior year, tragedy struck when she suffered a torn ACL.

It was really difficult, but it remains a memory, Brian said. Going out into the field to make sure she's okay, and she's not okay, was really difficult.

The 2023-24 winter season was likely the Rausches' last run together on a competitive field. Anna will continue her career in 2024 at the collegiate level at Bethany College in West Virginia, and Brian will look to continue adding to the VHS trophy case.

There is definitely sadness for me, Anna said. Of course, I still want him there, and the fact that I'm (hundreds) of miles away from him is definitely different. I'm already ready to wait for the calls after watching the (game) streams of what I can fix, which I will always love. I would never ask for it any other way.

James Probola and his three children: Katherine, Lillian and David

The Probolas have a full house with three growing children, David, senior, Lillian, and Katherine, recent VHS graduate.

Now try adding 100 more.

That's what cross country head coach James Probola VHS, father of the team, has undertaken with his Buffalo runners.

Many of them call him Team Dad or Coach Dad, Katherine said. Many of my friends have told me that he gives them great advice about sports and what's going on in their personal lives. It means a lot to them. He built a bond of trust between them, not only as a coach but also as a father figure. He takes the time to listen to everyone and see how they are doing that day. But he still pushes us to work very hard during training. He’s a good combination of father and coach that everyone loves.

It's a delicate balance to strike that Probola's own children believe they handled masterfully.

It is thus easier to reconcile sporting life and (outside) life. It's nice to have my parents here. He's like a father to everyone, Lillian said. I think because he has kids and because he deals with kids every day in cross country, he gets this very comforting feeling. All team members can turn to him when they need advice. She is an open, welcoming and kind person. I think that's why everyone on the team loves him.

James constantly pushed children to reach their full potential, including his own, competing in state competitions and setting school records.

I know it's corny, but he's the best dad ever, David said. That ride home after setting the school 800m record, I didn't realize how proud he was of me until we sat in the car. Running has created so many great memories for me with my dad.

Coach Dad did not take this responsibility lightly, as it truly meant the world to the VHS cross country coach.

It's funny. Getting to know my kids' friends, seeing each other's successes and failures, watching them grow, being around a great group of kids and great parents has been fun, James Probola said. It means a lot. I feel very lucky and blessed to be able to have the time to coach my kids. I think I always knew I wanted to be a dad and I'm glad I didn't mess it up too much.

Marquez Porter and Zion McRae

Not all father-daughter relationships are traditional.

Take the relationship between VHS basketball coach Marquez Porter and the team's leading scorer, rising senior point guard Zion McRae, who also happens to be Porters' stepdaughter.

You might think coaching a stepdaughter is hard, it's hard enough being a parent to a teenage daughter, but Porter found a way to make this moment special and impactful with McRae.

I love coaching her. I love teaching kids in general, but it's a little more special when you're coaching your child, Porter said. I hope I made a big impact. Being a parent and coaching are pretty much the same thing. My job is to do my best to teach him everything I know. Hopefully, once basketball is over, we will become a much better person.

McRae first met Porter when her mother, Charity, brought her to an AAU basketball camp where he was coaching. One wedding ring and five children Marquez Jr., Malaysia, Micah, Malani and Miya Porter later, and the two have built quite a nest for their six children.

It’s a nest that McRae helped tend as an older sister. The VHS senior often plays with her younger siblings outside, and her younger brothers have already expressed an interest in basketball, something McRae helped develop.

She loves being an older sister to my children. My children admire Zion so much. They worship the ground on which the girl walks. Being a big player and a big sister are the same thing, Porter said. My sons love basketball. She went out the other day and played basketball outside with them. They had the time of their lives just being with Zion. She is really good with them.

McRae shows moments like that on the field, too. In addition to leading VHS in scoring and assists, she was named the Florida Athletic Coaches Association District 8 Player of the Year on the same day Porter was named the district's Coach of the Year.

He pushes me to my highest potential,” McRae said. Every moment is my favorite moment, just having him as my stepdad and coach is awesome. It was amazing to spend this day with him (celebrating our awards). This is something I hope to keep consistent each year.

Jason and Ellis Poplaski

While making a tackle on September 23, 2019, VHS player Ellis Poplaski absorbed a blow from a Key West High School guard and fell to the turf. It became apparent that he had suffered a spinal injury and Ellis was going to be rushed to Lower Keys Medical Center for evaluation. His father, Jason, rushed onto the field from his position as a VHS assistant football coach.

Fortunately, I had only sprained the C4-C5 vertebrae, Ellis remembers. But I wanted him to stay (to coach the team). He didn't want to come with me to make sure I was okay. It’s a moment that lets you know that at the end of the day, he’s my dad.

Ellis, a graduate of the VHS Class of 2022, was a prolific two-sport athlete who competed in football and weightlifting. His father, often aptly called Coach Pop, was an assistant coach for both teams during his high school tenure, and he is now the head boys weightlifting coach.

He never treated me any easier than anyone else,” Ellis said. In football, he was always my coach, I never called him dad.

As Ellis' career progressed, he began to become more of a leader and role model for athletes in both sports.

“It’s one of the most incredible things you can witness as a father or even as a coach,” Jason Poplaski said. He was just that kind of kid. I know that's easy to say as a dad, but I think if you talked to any of the other coaches or his teammates, he was always a teammate that was always trying to recruit guys. Looking at this maturation, and even what he has become now, he is still this responsible child who is transforming into a man. You can't really ask for anything more, you're just blessed as a parent to see this.

Although both men tried to compartmentalize their relationship coach at school, Dad at home sometimes acted fatherly. A major example was when Ellis won the traditional weightlifting state championship his senior year. When he won the gold medal, the two embraced.

It was one of my favorite moments, Ellis said. It was one of the few times (in sports) where it was more of a father-son deal and not a coach-player deal.

Ellis' relationship with his father remains incredibly strong now that his career as a VHS athlete is over, and he even returns to help coach the weightlifting team with him as an assistant.




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