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Bollywood RomCom's 'fake boyfriend' filmed with Blackmagic cameras

Bollywood RomCom's 'fake boyfriend' filmed with Blackmagic cameras


Blackmagic Design today announced that the upcoming film Fake Boyfriend, a Bollywood romantic comedy from acclaimed director Sam Dsouuza and Mumbai-based A6 Productions, was shot using Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro digital cameras. and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. Color correction of the film was carried out using DaVinci Resolve Studio editing, color grading, visual effects (VFX), and audio post-production software.

Fake Boyfriend was shot on a tight budget but still aimed to capture beautiful, high-quality images that have become globally anticipated with Bollywood films.

The film tells the story of millennials on a journey of discovery through some of India's most beautiful landscapes and their struggles with friends and family as they grow and learn. Starring Tanishq Shukla, Payal Kaushal, Saurabh Sharma, Upaasna Rath and Kajal Thakur, the film has been directed by popular filmmaker Sam Dsouuza aka Saurabh Kaul and produced by Anju Dhingra, owner of A6 Productions. Fake Boyfriend was shot with the Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro and the Pocket Cinema Camera 4K.

Thanks to the ability of Blackmagic Design cameras to capture high quality images, their low light capabilities and their ease of use with post-production workflows, combined with their small design giving the ability to film in almost no Regardless of location, Dsouuza was able to carefully plan the entire production.

He explained: Essentially, our strategy for filming the romantic comedy was based on careful planning and preparation. Despite the challenges posed by the small budget, our meticulous approach allowed us to overcome obstacles and deliver a polished and entertaining film that exceeded expectations.

Pocket Cinema cameras were used in pre-production during location scouting, allowing the film crew to know well in advance that they could get the shots they needed while staying within budget. We did extensive scouting to find picturesque yet cost-effective settings that would enhance the romantic atmosphere of the film. Every aspect of the shoot was meticulously designed and choreographed beforehand, from the blocking of scenes to the emotional rhythms of the characters, he continued.

Targeting a younger audience for the film, Dsouuza's vision was to create a visually captivating experience, aiming for a bright and vibrant aesthetic.

He explains: Pocket cameras played a crucial role in realizing this vision. The Blackmagic RAW recording format provides flexibility in post-production, allowing us to manipulate colors during the grading process. Additionally, the integration with DaVinci Resolve Studio made the post-production workflow much easier, allowing us to fine-tune the visuals to perfection.

Although filmed with beautiful landscapes, the heart of the film revolves around the emotional interactions between the young stars and their families. This includes close-ups in well-lit environments, as well as a number of dimly lit nighttime scenes. As in many romantic comedies, the characters find themselves in quiet settings and action scenes, such as a fight scene in a pool hall or shots of moving vehicles.

Dsouuza explained how he used the different camera models: The 6K and 4K cameras served different purposes on set, each offering unique capabilities suited to specific shots and scenes. We primarily used 6K to capture high-resolution footage, especially for scenes requiring intricate detail. Its higher resolution allowed us to maintain clarity and sharpness, improving the overall visual quality of the film.

On the other hand, we turned to the 4K camera for its versatility and practicality in various shooting scenarios. Its smaller size and lightweight design made it easy to use. The 4K camera's cropped sensor proved advantageous in low-light situations, allowing us to adapt to difficult lighting conditions without sacrificing image quality.

Two scenes in particular showed the benefits of using Blackmagic Design cameras on Fake Boyfriend. A scene where Tanishq, one of the main characters in the film, confronts his father, was shot at night using a single bulb for lighting with the backdrop of the lights of Rohru town.

The Pocket Cinema Camera 4K's low-light capabilities allowed us to capture this fascinating scene with a single bulb illuminating the character. The dynamic range of the camera allowed us to capture the intricate details of the character's emotions and the atmosphere of the cityscape, creating a visually stunning and moving moment, Dsouuza continued.

The second scene showed the character Yash carrying his love Pihu up a mountain. This required the cameraman to also climb the mountain, and heavy, bulky equipment would have made shooting nearly impossible.

This photo, which showcases the breathtaking mountain landscape, was made possible thanks to the lightweight design and versatility of the Blackmagic Pocket camera. Despite the difficult terrain and lack of suitable roads, we were able to make the climb easily, thanks to the portability of the camera. Using lightweight props and minimal equipment, we maintained flexibility and mobility while capturing this awe-inspiring moment. The result is a visually striking sequence that showcases the beauty of the natural environment and the strength of the bond between the characters, Dsouuza said.

Dsouuza explained in more detail what he was able to accomplish using Blackmagic Design and DaVinci Resolve Studio cameras for the film: In the world of filmmaking, time translates directly into money, and staying on budget is paramount to success of any project. As a director, I had to consider technical aspects to streamline our production process and minimize potential problems. Ultimately, by leveraging the capabilities of Pocket cameras, we saved time and money, allowing us to deliver a high-quality film within our independent budget constraints.





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