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In the Middle East, China presents itself as a constructive actor

In the Middle East, China presents itself as a constructive actor


Beijing seems to be strengthening its role as mediator in the Middle East to present itself as a constructive and responsible actor on the world stage.

After its successful mediation in 2023 between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore their mutual diplomatic relations, Beijing hosted the leaders of rival Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas for reconciliation talks in April this year.

Even if the negotiations took place behind closed doorsBeijing has managed to bring key figures to the table in an attempt to unify the Palestinian leadership and reconcile differences.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said Beijing had invited representatives of the Palestine National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). The delegations were led by senior officials: Azzam al-Ahmad for Fatah, and Mousa Abu Marzook for Hamas.

Lin also said the agreement between Fatah and Hamas to unify efforts and reconcile politically had opened opportunities for future dialogue. Another spokesperson expressed Beijing's support for strengthening the Palestinian National Authority and its goal of fostering solidarity through sustained dialogue.

Promoting Beijing as striving for regional peace was an obvious motivation for hosting the meeting. For example, his action helped send a message that American influence was waning. The successes achieved with Iran and Saudi Arabia have undoubtedly encouraged China to take the plunge.

An expert affiliated with the China University of Political Science and Law told us that experts in Chinese political circles firmly believe in the need to strengthen the Palestinian front. Peace talks could not take place without greater Palestinian unity, he argued. The April meeting could be a stepping stone toward a meeting between Israel and Palestine that Beijing could organize this year, the expert said.

China has been successful in seeking unity among Palestinian political parties because it maintains good relations with almost all of them. His vision is a unified Palestinian state.

A Middle East expert affiliated with the European Union Institute for Security Studies spoke of the serious challenges that Beijing could have faced in its reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah, challenges that could have compromised the future opportunities for rapprochement between the two parties. This in turn would have hampered Beijing's hopes of hosting a regional dialogue and creating a Palestinian state.

An expert from the University of California at Berkley pointed out to us that Beijing has called for more restraint as a permanent member of the UN Security Council; he had reinforced this push with a certain diplomatic engagement. In doing so, Beijing directly opposed Washington's decision to move its forces towardsdefend Israel. These moves by Washington may have prompted China's regional allies to align with Chinese diplomatic initiatives instead of participating in those led by the United States.

In realizing its broader vision of an independent Palestinian state, Beijing has a few other cards to play. Its bilateral trade with Israel amounts to $22 billion per year. It is too early to predict whether Beijing will be able to use this to push Tel Aviv to end the war. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China could also propose resolutions aimed at promoting Palestinian rights.

Ultimately, however, it is unclear whether Beijing is willing to devote the time and effort necessary to mediate peace in the region.




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