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Electric vehicle maker Henrik Fisker tries to sell his luxury Hollywood mansion for $35 million as startup collapses

Electric vehicle maker Henrik Fisker tries to sell his luxury Hollywood mansion for $35 million as startup collapses


By Lisa Johnson Mandell

The house has a spa with walls of pink Himalayan salt and a game room lined with walls of wine.

Henrik Fisker, founder of struggling automotive startup Fisker Inc. (FSRN), has put his luxury Los Angeles mansion on the market for $35 million.

With his company's stock price hovering between 4 and 5 cents — and bankruptcy looming — Fisker's posh residence could be worth more than the company. The stock was delisted in March.

See: Electric vehicle maker Fisker adds recall of more than 18,000 Ocean electric vehicles to its problems

Fisker purchased the elegant 11,800 square foot complex in 2021 for $21,750,000. Records indicate he tried to sell it about two months later for $29,500,000, to no avail.

Most recently, the six-bedroom mansion came back on the market for $35 million, or $125,000 per month rental.

For the asking price, a new resident would have a plethora of world-class amenities.

A fully equipped spa with a sauna surrounded by walls of pink Himalayan salt? Check! A games room lined with walls of wine? Check! A dedicated ping pong room with glass walls offering views of the Sunset Strip and the Pacific Ocean? Double check!

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But those are just some of the chic perks. Other highlights include a media lounge, a glamorous club room with a bar and a remarkable infinity pool with shallow splash pools. Outside you will also find a kitchen and barbecue area, as well as an outdoor living/dining area with an onyx table that can comfortably seat over 20 guests.

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Inside, the great room includes a living and dining room with white oak floors and high ceilings with contemporary chandeliers.

The large master suite features retractable glass walls offering unparalleled views from the private balcony. It also has a sumptuous bathroom with a bathtub and, again, striking views.

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One of the only rooms in the house that doesn't take advantage of the spectacular views is the 20-foot garage, which has a lift that can easily accommodate six Fisker Ocean SUVs.

Fisker, 60, is known for designing ultra-luxury cars for BMW (XE:BMW), Ford (F), Tesla (TSLA) and Aston Martin, before launching Fisker Automotive in 2007. Despite significant funding, the The company went bankrupt. In 2016, Fisker launched Fisker Inc. The Fisker Ocean EV began production in 2022 and began delivery in 2023.

From the archives (2023): What is a Fisker Ocean? Here's the new electric SUV in numbers: price, range, warranty and more.

The startup has laid off hundreds of employees and is seeking additional funding. Financial experts are not optimistic about the company's future prospects.

This story originally appeared on

-Lisa Johnson Mandell

This content was created by MarketWatch, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently of Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal.


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06/17/24 0504ET

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