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Kartik Aaryan reveals how much he was paid for his debut Bollywood film Pyaar Ka Punchnama

Kartik Aaryan reveals how much he was paid for his debut Bollywood film Pyaar Ka Punchnama


Kartik Aaryan takes on what is probably his most challenging role yet with his latest release; Champion Chandu. The Kabir Khan directorial is based on the real-life heroic story of Murlikant Petkar, India's first Paralympic gold medalist.

According to ABPLive, Kartik Aaryan earns Rs 25 crore for the headliner Champion Chandu. This is a huge change from the first paycheck he earned for his debut Bollywood film. Love Punchnama

What was Kartik Aaryan's first salary for Pyaar Ka Punchnama?

Image may contain Kartik Aaryan Head Person Face Happy Smile Adult Black Hair Hair Body Part Neck and Dimples

Kartik Aaryan, during an appearance on Raj Shamanis Podcast (via Indian Express), was asked about his growing popularity and whether he actually went from Rs 1 crore to Rs 40 crore in a short span of 5 years . Revealing his first paycheck for Love PunchnamaAaryan shared, Pyaar Ka Punchnama was not Rs 1 crore. It was Rs 70,000. Everything is instinctive and it is your choices that help you climb the ladder.

The actor further said that he also did not charge Rs 1 crore for Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, which became a surprise blockbuster and entered the 100 crore club in India. Kartik Aaryan clarified that he only started earning money after Sonu

During the same conversation, Kartik Aaryan explained how he received Rs 1,500 for his first ad. According to the Economic Times, Aaryan now charges between Rs 3 and 5 crore per brand.

How much is Kartik Aaryan charging for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3?

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Kartik Aaryan to reprise his role as Rooh Baba in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. The actor is raking in Rs 45-50 crore for the third installment of the horror-comedy franchise, according to News18.

In comparison, Aaryan received Rs 15 crore for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 according to Times Now. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 was considered a blockbuster as it became the fourth highest-grossing film of 2022.




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