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Bollywood Celebrities Who Became Successful Entrepreneurs

Bollywood Celebrities Who Became Successful Entrepreneurs


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Bollywood, the heart of the Indian film industry, has long been filled with glamour, talent and fame. However, in recent years, many of its brightest stars have ventured beyond the big screen, parlaying their fame into thriving business empires. These celebrities have used their popularity, creativity, and business knowledge to establish themselves as successful entrepreneurs. From launching fashion lines and beauty brands to investing in tech startups, Bollywood celebrities have expanded their portfolios and made an impact on various industries. Their entrepreneurial journeys are not just stories of capitalizing on fame; they are stories of innovation, resilience and a deep understanding of market dynamics.

The transition from real-life entrepreneurship to real-life entrepreneurship demonstrates the talents of Bollywood celebrities. Their successes are an inspiration, illustrating how passion, hard work and a strategic mindset can lead to success. As these stars continue to shine in the business world, they are paving the way for future generations to dream big and venture into various paths, reinforcing the fact that fame and entrepreneurship can go hand in hand.

Here is the list of Bollywood celebrities who have become successful entrepreneurs.

1- Priyanka Chopra

Priyanka Chopra, the Desi Girl of Bollywood, from opening the popular New York restaurant Sona to launching the hair care brand Anomaly and earning 429 million in 2022, Ms. Jonas has proven her entrepreneurial skills. The actress also collaborated with the sparkling water brand BON V! V Spiked Seltzer will release a new flavor in mid-April 2021 in the United States. Its hair care brand Anomaly offers liquid and dry shampoos as well as deep conditioning masks and conditioners, which are vegan and cruelty-free products for shine, smoothing and volume.

2- Shilpa Shetty

The Btown diva has transformed herself into an ambitious businesswoman who is launching several businesses. Bastian At The Top sits on the 48th floor of the tallest commercial building in Mumbai. The restaurant, owned by famous actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra, promises an elevated dining experience. Another milestone in the business world was the launch of its spa and wellness chain IOSIS in 2009, as well as its joint venture with Vandana Luthra's VLCC to offer yoga and physiotherapy services in India and other countries. other Asian countries.

3-Alia Bhatt

Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has always invested in startups. In 2013, the actress launched a startup called Style Cracker to style people. Apart from this, in 2020, Alia launched her new venture named Ad-E-Mamma and is now earning Rs 150 crore, a children's fashion brand that offers items for children aged 4 to 12 years.

4-Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar, often hailed as the Khiladi of Bollywood, transcends mere acting talent, embodying the role of a businessman. Akshay Kumar got into the business by partnering with his mother, Aruna, and wife Twinkle Khanna. The actor launched Hari Om Productions, named after his father. The actor is a strong advocate of the importance of sports and fitness. So he converted his passion into business by investing in the Khalsa Warriors team of the World Kabaddi League.

5- Anushka Sharma

Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma launched a clothing line named Nush and it is earning Rs 65 crores, reflects who she is as a person in fashion and comes up with a feel-good clothing line, perfect for every girl in the world. 'summer. Apart from this, Anushka and her brother have also started a greenfield film production house and are earning Rs 444 crores. Films like NH10, Phillauri and Pari, Bulbul and Qala were produced away from this production house. The web series Paatal Lok from this production was also well received by the audience. Anushka Sharma has invested in D2C snack brand Slurrp Farm.

6- Katrina Kaif

Katrina Kaif is a well-known actress and a successful businesswoman. She launched her beauty brand in 2019 named “Kay Beauty”. For this, the actress teamed up with the makeup brand Nykaa. Katrina's makeup brand is very popular. Her brand wasn't just about makeup; it was a statement empowering women, encouraging them to gain self-confidence and embrace their inner beauty. Kay Beauty has an annual turnover of about $12 million or so.

7- Parineeti Chopra

Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra has joined health and personal care startup Clensta as an investor and partner. Chopra expressed positive gratitude for her new venture. Clensta's revolutionary offerings, such as unique waterless baths and shampoos, highlight their innovative and first-to-market nature. Parineeti Chopras' investment in Clensta shows her desire to contribute to projects aligned with her vision.

8- Sonam Kapoor

Creatively designed and launched by Sonam and Rhea Kapoor, Rheson is all about approachable glamor – aspirational, but never intimidating. An urban Indian reinterpretation of the global fashion scene, the brand focuses on quality fabrics and wearable styles.

9- Sonakshi Sinha

Sonakshi Sinha launched her press-on nail brand Soezi in collaboration with Srishti Raai, catering to women and young teens with a quirky and sassy nail art collection. SOEZI offers press-on nails of all lengths, shapes, colors and effects, and for all occasions. Every Nail Enthusiast offers a customizable feature, which allows you to customize each press-on nail based on its shape (almond, coffin, round, stiletto) and length (long, medium and short) at no extra cost.

10- Deepika Padukone

Founded by versatile actress Deepika Padukone and Jigar Shah 82E, the Mumbai-based brand offers a wide range of skincare products for men and women. The company last raised $7.5 million in a funding round led by DSG Consumer Partners and Ideo Ventures with Ka Enterprises in December 2022.

Some Bollywood actors were seen dancing at the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhik Merchants and charged fame fees. The event also featured a legendary performance from the three Khans of Bollywood Shah Rukh, Aamir and Salman, who joined forces for an iconic act. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone showcased their dandiya skills.

Bollywood celebrities are found to have multiple talents, going beyond just acting. Many have successfully ventured into entrepreneurship, launching businesses in various fields like fashion, food and event management. This change highlights their business acumen and drive and inspires others to pursue their passions outside of entertainment. Their success also strengthens the Bollywood brand by showcasing the creativity and talent of its stars beyond the big screen.




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