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Emmys 2024 Best Supporting Actor in Limited Series Predictions

Emmys 2024 Best Supporting Actor in Limited Series Predictions


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We'll be updating this article throughout the season, along with all of our predictions, so be sure to keep checking IndieWire for the latest news on the 2024 Emmy race. The nominations voting round takes place from September 13 to June 24, with official Emmy nominations announced on Wednesday, July 17. Then, the final vote begins on August 15 and ends on the night of August 26. The 76th annual Primetime Emmy Awards are set to take place. will take place on Sunday, September 15 and will air live on ABC at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

The state of the race

There are far fewer serial killer roles this time around when it comes to Emmy contenders for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie, although “True Detective: Night Country” and “Fargo” are still doing their best to keep the crime wave alive. HBO and FX series have several actors who have a good chance of being nominated, especially if voters decide (as they tend to do) to nominate as many actors as possible from a show they love. “True Detective: Night Country” star John Hawkes and “Fargo” star Joe Keery may be leading the pack on their respective shows, but remain the potential nominees most likely to be joined by a co- star.

FEUD: Capote vs.  The Swans – Pictured: Diane Lane as Slim Keith.  CR: Bet Dukovic/FX
Episodic of

If winter awards season helped determine the frontrunners in the acting races, it would be here specifically, given that Jonathan Bailey already won a Critics Choice Award for his decades-long portrayal of Tim Laughlin on “Fellow Travelers ” from Showtime. And of course, Robert Downey Jr. just won an Oscar for his supporting role in “Oppenheimer,” so the idea that he could knock out two letters of EGOT in one year is very exciting for those who follow this sort of thing . Playing five different roles in “The Sympathizer,” an adaptation of Viet Thanh Nguyen's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, sparked a bit of a polarizing reaction, but it made it a performance worth watching either way. Getting an Emmy nomination is all about getting a lot of people to watch your show in every way possible.

While there are certainly other contenders worth noting, the unfortunate trend to note this year is that late actors Treat Williams and Ron Cephas Jones are in the running, for “Feud: Capote vs. the Swans” and “Genius: MLK/X”. respectively. The former actor was nominated and the latter won a Primetime Emmy. It is therefore not excluded that one or the other could receive a posthumous honor from the TV Academy.

Current competitors (in alphabetical order):
Jonathan Bailey, “Traveling Companions” (Showtime)
Finn Bennett, “True Detective: Night Country” (HBO)
Robert Downey Jr., “The Sympathizer” (HBO)
Christopher Eccleston, “True Detective: Night Country” (HBO)
Johnny Flynn, “Ripley” (Netflix)
Hugh Grant, “The Diet” (HBO)
John Hawkes, “True Detective: Night Country” (HBO)
Ron Cephas Jones, “Genius: MLK/X” (National Geographic)
Joe Keery, “Fargo” (FX)
Barry Keoghan, “Airbenders” (Apple TV+)
Lamorne Morris, “Fargo” (FX)
Lewis Pullman, “Chemistry Lessons” (Apple TV+)
Sam Spruell, “Fargo” (FX)
Brian Tee, “Expats” (First video)
Treat Williams, “Feud: Capote Against the Swans” (FX)

More predictions on the limited series and TV movie categories:
Exceptional limited or anthological series
Exceptional TV film
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie

Check out IndieWire's full set of predictions for the 76th Annual Emmy Awards.

Last year's winner: Paul Walter Hauser, “The Black Bird”
Still eligible: No.
Hot series: Last season, Hauser helped Apple TV+ achieve its first win in this category. Although the competition is tough, someone like “Lessons in Chemistry” star Lewis Pullman or “Masters of the Air” star Barry Keoghan could help the streaming service start a streak.
Notable ineligible series: Alessandro Nivola, “The Big Cigar” (season will not air in time to be eligible); Ed O'Neill, “Clipped” (season will not air in time to qualify); Peter Sarsgaard, OT Fagbenle and Bill Camp, “Presumed Innocent” (season will not air in time to qualify)




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