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Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan inaugurated the new family entertainment center-Zoreko at Elan Town Centre, Gurugram.

Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan inaugurated the new family entertainment center-Zoreko at Elan Town Centre, Gurugram.


Gurugram, Haryana, June 17, 2024: Zoreko – Original Gamers, the newly opened Family Entertainment Center (FEC) located at the flagship Elan City Center location on Sohna Road, Sector 67 Gurugram, is reinventing the gaming experience with its latest outlet. To add to the excitement, the inauguration ceremony was graced by famous Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan, making the event truly memorable.

The new hub is set to totally transform Gurugram's gaming landscape with its vast layout and unbeatable selection of games. Moreover, it promises to be the best gaming space for players of all ages, catering to their diverse interests and needs. The outlet, which offers state-of-the-art equipment and a wide selection of games, seeks to reinvent the gaming experience by offering customers an exciting and engaging journey unlike anything they have experienced before.

Elan Town Center features retail amenities, a state-of-the-art multiplex by PVR, a delicious food court, multi-level basement parking and much more. Located on Sohna Road, it enjoys excellent connectivity via Delhi-Gurugram Expressway and NH-248A. It is also surrounded by numerous residential and commercial developments, making it a prime destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. Other major brands housed in downtown Elan include Castle Barbeque, Dominos, Khadim, Gianis, among others. The opening of Zoreko has further solidified downtown Elan as a premier family entertainment destination.

Commenting on the launch, Bollywood actor, Arbaaz Khansaid, “Participating in the inauguration of Zoreko – Original Gamers was an absolute pleasure. This new hub is set to redefine the gaming experience in Gurugram, offering a diverse range of games and state-of-the-art equipment. It's exciting to see how Zoreko caters to gamers of all ages and interests, truly making it the ultimate entertainment destination. I am confident that Zoreko – Original Gamers will leave a lasting impression on everyone who visits us.

Neeraj Raheja, CEO, Zoreko said, To meet the ever-changing needs of today's enthusiastic gamers, Zoreko – Original Gamers represents a brave new phase. This rebranding effort is a strategic move to more closely align the brand with its target audience and core offerings. The name Zoreko – Original Gamers expresses our company's unwavering commitment to providing an authentic and immersive gaming experience for everyone. That said, in our brand new site, we aim to provide our valued customers with a cutting-edge gaming experience that meets their various demands and preferences.

He further added, Elan Town Center will be the premier location for anyone looking for an engaging experience. In addition to this, we also have a restaurant that will add value to all social events and provide a new dining experience. Its vibrant ambiance and diverse offerings perfectly complement our project philosophy, enhancing the overall experience of all visitors. Additionally, the luxurious and distinctive architecture further enhances the appeal, making it a standout destination.

Venika Kapoor, Senior Vice President, CRM, Elan Group added, Zoreko's expansive layout and diverse lineup of games perfectly complement Elan's vibrant downtown ambiance, creating an immersive destination for families and gamers. We are confident that Zoreko’s innovative approach to gaming and entertainment will be a major draw for our visitors, enhancing their overall experience in downtown Elan.” Elan’s strategic downtown location makes it the ideal setting for such a pioneering entertainment center and we can’t wait to see our visitors enjoy this latest facility and the dynamic energy it brings.”

Featuring a wide range of captivating attractions suitable for all age groups, the spacious Zoreko outlet spread over 2 floors and over 50,000 square feet features a modern design style. With its selection of fascinating in-house games, virtual reality experiences and classic games like virtual cricket and bowling, Zoreko has something to offer everyone. Unlike competitors, it has one of the largest play areas in Gurgaon on the third level, dedicated to children. Since Zoreko – Original Gamers understands that a satisfying gaming experience requires more than just thrills, it offers a high-tech dining experience with delicious food and drink choices. In addition to offering fun activities for all age groups, Zoreko aims to become a one-stop-shop where friends and family can relax and have fun.

About Zoreko – Original Players

Zoreko – Original Gamers is a leading gaming arena dedicated to providing an unparalleled gaming experience to hardcore gamers and esports enthusiasts. With a focus on cutting-edge technologies, immersive VR experiences and a strong sense of community, Zoreko offers a one-of-a-kind experience in the Indian gaming industry. Come indulge your passion, savor delicious dishes and create lasting memories at Zoreko – Original Gamers!

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