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Best Musical of The Outsiders and Best Stereophonic Play at the Tony Awards

Best Musical of The Outsiders and Best Stereophonic Play at the Tony Awards


The Outsiders, a realistic adaptation of the classic young adult novel, became the epitome of a Broadway insider on Sunday, winning the Tony Award for best new musical on a night where women made great strides.

The musical based on SE Hinton's beloved book is about rival gangs of haves and have-nots in 1960s Oklahoma. Victory meant Angelina Jolie, a producer, also won her first Tony.

Producer Matthew Rego, in his acceptance speech, thanked Hinton, in the audience at Manhattan's Lincoln Center: Susie, I'm here to tell you that your story and its everlasting message of love, family and staying golden changed our lives forever.

Stereophonic, the play about a Fleetwood Mac-type band recording an album during a turbulent, life-changing year, won best new play and took home the most awards of the night at five. It was written by David Adjmi, with songs from former Will Butler, member of Arcade Fire.

Oh no. My agent gave me a beta blocker, but it doesn't work, Adjmi said. He added that the piece took 11 years to manifest.

Getting here was a very difficult journey, he said. We need to fund the arts in America.

Two special guests electrified the crowd Jay-Z and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The latter, producer of a musical about the suffragettesintroduced Suffs.

“I’ve been on a lot of stages, but this one is very special,” Clinton said. I know a little about how difficult it is to make changes.

In the first musical presentation, Alicia Keys appeared on piano as part of her semi-autobiographical musical, Hell's kitchen, featured a medley of songs. She sang her 2009 smash Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z, joining the rapper on the inside steps to loud applause.

Later, newcomer Maleah Joi Moon won best lead actress for Hells Kitchen, fending off a challenge from veteran Kelli OHara. The 21-year-old, who plays a role loosely based on Keys' life, dedicated her award to her parents.

Danya Taymor whose aunt is Julie Taymor, the first woman to win a Tony Award for directing a musical, became the sixth woman to win the same award for The Outsiders.

Then, Shaina Taub, the second woman in Broadway history to write, compose and star in a Broadway musical, won Best Score, the ninth woman to do so. The creator of Suffs had already won the best book award earlier in the evening.

If Suffs' story inspires you, make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote and vote, vote, vote! she says. Taub said the win was for all the loud girls: go for it.

Jeremy Fort won the first grand prize of the evening. The Succession star nabbed her first Tony for her work in the revival of Henrik Ibsens' 1882 political play, An Enemy of the People. The award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play will be awarded alongside his Emmy, Screen Actors Guild Award and Golden Globe.

Kara Young, the first black performer to be nominated for a Tony three years in a row, won best actress in a play this time for Purlie Victorious, the story of a black pastor who plans to reclaim his inheritance and to reconquer his church. of a plantation owner.

Thank you to my ancestors, she said, thanking a list that included playwright Ossie Davis and co-star Ruby Dee, who originated her role.

Harry Potter's star Daniel Radcliffe cemented his stage career pivot by winning featured actor in a musical, his first trophy in five Broadway shows. He won for the cover of Merrily We Roll Along, the Stephen Sondheim – George Furth's musical comedy that goes back in time.

It’s one of the best experiences of my life,” Radcliffe said. I will never have it this good again. He also thanked his parents for playing Sondheim in the car growing up.

Merrily was also named Best Musical Revival and earned Jonathan Groff his first Tony, for leading actor in a musical. Groff, previously nominated for Spring Awakening, and Hamilton thanked co-stars Lindsay Mendez and Radcliffe, who were both emotional in the audience.

Groff, who said he watched the Tonys in Pennsylvania as a child, also thanked his parents and brother for letting him act out scenes from I Love Lucy as a child.

Thank you for always allowing my weird flag to fly without ever making me feel weird, he said.

Kecia Lewis, who plays a formidable piano teacher in Hells Kitchen, also won his first Tony. The 40-year veteran made her Broadway debut at age 18 in the original company of Dreamgirls.

This moment is the one I have dreamed of for these 40 years, she said. Do not abandon !

Fittingly, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' show, centered around a family reunion in Arkansas, was named best revival of a play. Jacobs-Jenkins also thanked Davis, saying there would be no Appropriate without Purlie Victorious.

Appropriate star Sarah Paulson has added a best lead actress in a play Tony to her awards cabinet. Paulson said she was excited to be able to interrogate the human condition: It's the heart and soul of what we do and I'm so honored to be among you.

Three times honored by Tony Chita Rivera received a special tribute from Audra McDonald, Brian Stokes Mitchell and Bebe Neuwirth. Footage of her work in Chicago, Kiss of the Spider Woman and West Side Story was projected as dancers performed her hit numbers. Host Ariana DeBose, who won an Oscar as Anita de Rivera in West Side Story, joined us.

DeBose, a three-time host, also co-choreographed the original opening number, This Parties for You. The song encouraged those who sacrifice for their art and took a gentle jab at other types of entertainment: You'll learn that film and television can make you rich and make you famous. But theater will make you better.

Performances also included an intense and frightening version of Willkommen from the Cabaret revival led by Eddie Redmayne, Pete Townshend playing guitar for The Whos Tommy and a messy rumble from The Outsiders that included waterfalls, buckets of dirt, various carpet and a truck on stage. .

The TV show teased upcoming shows, inviting Nicole Scherzinger who is set to star in a revival of Sunset Boulevard to sing the In Memoriam section. Nick Jonas and Adrienne Warren were announced today as stars of the 2025 film The Last Five Years.

Scherzinger sang What I Did for Love as the names appeared, including playwright Christopher Durang and actors Alan Arkin,Glenda Jackson,Louis Gossett Jr. And Deal with Williams.

READ ALSO : Florida drama teacher who includes deaf students in school performances to receive special Tony Award




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