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Womens Sports Audio Network debuts with daily podcasts and features on 500 radio stations. | History

Womens Sports Audio Network debuts with daily podcasts and features on 500 radio stations.  |  History


Womens Sports Audio Network, first announced in April by iHeartMedia and Deep Blue Sports + Entertainment, will arrive in the audio realm Tuesday, June 18 with a series of podcasts focused on women's sports and a high-profile radio presence. WSAN will launch regular reporting on women's sports on more than 500 iHeart-owned radio stations nationwide, in what it considers a historic moment in providing more equitable media coverage to sports for the first time feminine.

The launch of Womens Sports Reports will be the Cannes Lions Festival in France, where advertising and media executives are meeting this week. This is where Deep Blue Sports + Entertainment will host the Womens Sports House, in partnership with Axios. The Womens Sports House is part of TN50, a dedicated content platform that explores the investments and decisions needed to drive the next 50 years (TN50) in women's sport. The event includes three days of dedicated programming exploring the future of business, leadership, creativity and talent within women's sport.

“This is a pivotal moment for women’s sports to be heard,” Gayle Troberman, iHeart’s chief marketing officer, said in a statement. -about the power of collaboration between world-class athletes, incredible journalists, podcasters and fans.

One of WSAN's goals will be to raise the profile of professional athletes and sports figures, with several podcasts hosted. Among those slated to host podcasts are hockey stars Madison Packer and Anya Packer, tennis Grand Slam winner Rennae Stubbs, WNBA legend Sheryl Swoopes and golf media personality Tisha Alyn, as well as revered figures Khristina Williams and Sarah Spain.

Among the first shows to begin on July 17 areGood game with Sarah Spain. The daily podcast will focus on the biggest stories in women's sports. In addition to breaking news and interviews, Spain will regularly be joined by a roster of guest athletes, coaches, journalists, celebrity fans and more to talk about the biggest games and issues of the day.

Women's sports have no shortage of milestone moments to experience, and that's especially true this summer, from the current NWSL and WNBA seasons to the excitement of the upcoming Paris Olympics, Spain said. From spilling tea to talking T, we're going to give loyal and new fans everything they need to follow the wild world of women's sports.

Other podcasts launching in the coming weeks include titles hosted by women's basketball star Sheryl Swoopes, professional golfer and media personality Tisha Alyn, professional hockey star Madison Packer, tennis great Rennae Stubbs, magazine founder Caitlin Thompson and WNBA insider. Kristina Williams.

We are committed to championing incredible athletes and growing awareness until women's sports achieve the kind of national and international notoriety it has always deserved, Troberman said.

Growing interest from advertisers

Two months ago, iHeart and Deep Blue Sportsannounced the launch of WSAN a free, ad-supported network that will include podcasts, daily sports features, audio spots and vignettes, social content and promotion. It is designed to deliver talent and programming throughout the year with the launch of new daily shows focusing on a wide range of sports from football and basketball to tennis, golf, volleyball and Moreover.

Women's sports isn't just a moment, it's the moment. And yet, women's sports content remains difficult to find and buy, said Laura Correnti, CEO of Deep Blue Sports + Entertainment. The Womens Sports Audio Network aims to change that by providing an accessible platform for all fans, from casual to hardcore fans, to be educated and entertained while expanding the opening of investment opportunities for brands to reach and engage with a connected audience. women's sports community.

WSAN is launching with the support of brands including Capital One, elf Cosmetics and elf Skin joining as founding partners of the new network.

As long-time advocates of women's sports, both at the collegiate and professional level, we are excited to build on these efforts by partnering with iHeartMedia and Deep Blue Sports + Entertainment to increase access to women's sports content and help raising the profile of these incredibles. athletes, said Cindy Epley, vice president of brand media strategy and investments at Capital One.

The launch of the first-ever audio network dedicated to women's sports comes at a time when investment and viewership in women's sports is on the rise. This year, elite women's sports are expected to become aA billion dollar industrywhich represents a 300% increase in just three years, while in the United States, women's sports still only receive15% of media coverage.

Our support is especially important where we see the underrepresentation of women, both as athletes and in surrounding content. So we’re taking the mic to change the conversation,” said Kory Marchisotto, director of marketing at elf Beauty. It's important to normalize positivity, inclusiveness, and accessibility so that equity becomes our strongest muscle. This is how the next generation gains more and more strength to dream big and realize their highest vision.

In a recent Deloitte report, a study found that for every dollar spent on women's sports, more than seven dollars were generated in customer value for this organization.




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