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Netflix's Hollywood Pride Releases 4K 'Bound' Restoration in Theaters

Netflix's Hollywood Pride Releases 4K 'Bound' Restoration in Theaters


Netflix brings Pride to the big screen with a special Egyptian theater program.

IndieWire can exclusively announce Netflix's “Hollywood Pride: Queer Lives on the Silver Screen” event, taking place June 25-27 in Los Angeles. The film series is co-programmed by critic and author Alonso Duralde, who will be on hand to promote his book “Hollywood Pride” which influenced the program's title.

With classics such as “All About Eve” and “Pillow Talk” coupled with “The Old Dark House” and “Suddenly, Last Summer,” the Netflix theatrical event spans nearly a century of queer representation in the 'screen.

Robert Gottlieb

Lana and Lilly Wachowski's “Bound” also scores a theatrical premiere in its 4K restoration, with Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly playing on-screen mafia-connected lovers.

The program concludes with “Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution” featuring LGBTQ stand-up legends and modern pioneers like Margaret Cho and Wanda Sykes; the film recently debuted at Tribeca 2024.

Check out the full lineup below and buy tickets here.


1:30 p.m.: PILLOW (103 min)

Rock Hudson and Doris Day proved to be an irresistible duo in this hit 1959 romantic comedy that was a box office sensation and won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. In the 1950s setting, Day's interior designer and Hudson's womanizing composer argue when she complains about his overuse of their shared telephone line. When a coincidence leads Hudson to meet Day in person and he becomes interested in her, he disguises his voice and the games begin. Rock Hudson's name has become synonymous with the Hollywood closet, as perhaps the biggest star of all time. Although his private life was known to many in Hollywood circles, his professional status as a big screen heartthrob long prevented him from acknowledging the truth. Oddly enough, the persona he adopts in PILLOW TALK to deceive Day leads one to suspect that his character might be gay – an innocent coincidence or a behind-the-scenes wink?

4:30 p.m.: SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (114 min)

Iconic playwright Tennessee Williams (A tram named Desire, a cat on a hot roof) often incorporated queer themes into his most famous works…and these themes were obscured in Hollywood adaptations of the plays due to the Hays Code. In the case of Suddenly last summerHowever, homosexuality was recognized in perhaps the most direct way possible for the time. Although the story's eerie specter, Sebastian Venable, is never seen on screen, his presence is felt in the turmoil between his mother Violet (Katharine Hepburn) and cousin Catherine Holly (Elizabeth Taylor). Violet has Catherine committed and pleads for her to be lobotomized by young surgeon John Cukrowicz (gay Hollywood legend Montgomery Clift) in a veiled attempt to keep their past with Sebastian a secret. Although the grim details of what happened between the three of them before Sebastian's death retain an air of mystery, Catherine's simple explanation speaks volumes: “We acquired for him!” both received Academy Award nominations for Best Actress.

7:30 p.m.: ALL ABOUT EVE (138 min)

Long a favorite of gay audiences for its sharp one-liners and larger-than-life performance by Bette Davis, Joseph L. Mankewicz's 1950 Best Picture winner revels in the off-stage drama of Broadway star Margo Channing (Davis), a legendary stage actress struggling with new insecurities around aging and romance. Enter Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter), Margo's devoted fan who mysteriously appears one night at a show and uses her innocent charm to worm her way into every aspect of Margo's life. It soon becomes clear that Eve has ambitions for fame herself and will stop at nothing to achieve them…even if it means destroying friendships, marriages and lives along the way. In evaluating the film in subsequent years, many noted the strange coding of Eve's character and that of her nemesis, the acid-tongued theater critic Addison DeWitt (George Sanders). Whether their plots and double-crossings are stereotypical old-age Hollywood queer nastiness or astute commentary on hearts grown embittered by hiding from themselves, the fireworks they cause are a sight to behold.


1:00 p.m.: SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER (114 min)

4:00 p.m.: SPA EVENING (93 min)

Director Andrew Ahn's debut feature introduced him as a talented new voice in queer cinema, garnering awards at Sundance, the Spirit Awards, and numerous other festivals, and paving the way for his success in the following years with Fire Island. Set in Los Angeles' Koreatown, Spa Night centers on 18-year-old David, a Korean-American teenager who takes a job at a local spa when his family falls on hard financial times. David soon discovers that the spa is a hotbed of gay activity, where explicit sexual relations between clients are common. He also discovers that it attracts him, which leads him to an awareness of his identity in the midst of his traditional and conservative environment.


Before blowing the minds of the world with The matrix, Lana and Lilly Wachowski delivered a burst of pure pulp fun with their hyperstylish debut, which puts a deliciously sapphic twist on a crackerjack caper premise. When plumber Butch Corky (Gina Gershon) catches the attention of attractive femme (fatale) Violet (Jennifer Tilly), little does she know that she's about to be drawn into both a steamy affair and a a high-stakes heist that will pit the couple against the enemy. crowd. With crackling dialogue, luscious neo-noir cinematography and live performances from Gershon, Tilly and Joe Pantoliano, Related is a genre-reinventing joyride that maintains both tension and erotic heat through every crazy twist.

9:45 p.m.: THE OLD DARK HOUSE – 4K DCP (72 minutes)

Special introduction to the film by Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Push the daisies)

Director James Whale lived a relatively open queer life during his heyday in the 1930s, while he simultaneously became one of the most legendary names in horror. Although the strange allegory of his horror classics like Bride of Frankenstein are more frequently discussed, his gloriously strange tale of dark and stormy night The old dark house is full of LGBTQ delights. Early in the film, stranded travelers stumble upon a strange old house and find themselves at the mercy of a very eccentric and potentially dangerous family, including – as Alonso Duralde puts it in his book Hollywood Pride – “Ernest Theisger playing a character whose The last name is “Femm”, who lurches about menacingly, while the estate's creepy, bedridden family man is played by actress Elspeth Dudgeon, complete with plastered-on beard and credited as “John Dudgeon.” This atmospheric thriller also features an unforgettable post-Frankenstein horror role for Boris Karloff, as the imposing, disfigured butler Morgan, and a turn from queer legend Charles Laughton. Unsurprisingly, Whale's film would have had a major influence on The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


1:00 p.m.: SPA EVENING (93 min)

4:30 p.m.: PILLOW TALK (103 minutes)


Exceptional: a comedy revolution is the first feature-length documentary to explore the history of queer comedy. The documentary considers the importance of the LGBTQ+ struggle as a driver of social change over the past five decades, actively reflecting and challenging cultural norms and values. Ultimately, the film reveals that queer comedians – whether they like it or not – have helped change the world, one joke at a time.

Exceptional: a comedy revolution combines interviews, memorable stand-up performances, archival material and verité footage featuring top LGBTQ+ comedians including Lily Tomlin, Sandra Bernhard, Wanda Sykes, Eddie Izzard, Hannah Gadsby, Tig Notaro, Rosie O 'Donnell, Margaret Cho, Bob The Drag Queen, and Trixie Mattel, among others.

Film presented by director Page Hurwitz; pre-show stand-up sets hosted by Dave Holmes!




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