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Seinfeld actor dies at 71 from cancer and Crohn's disease

Seinfeld actor dies at 71 from cancer and Crohn's disease


Actor and comedian Hiram Kasten, best known for his role as Michael, who collaborated with Elaine Benes for three episodes of the comedy Seinfelddied at the age of 71.

The news was published on his official Facebook pagewhich reveals that he died in Batavia, near Buffalo, in western New York, following a prolonged illness, his family said in the statement announcing his death on Sunday.

According to the obituary, the beloved actor and comedian will be best remembered as a truly charming man.

Hiram Kasten loved show business and was living his dream of being in show business, the release said.

The announcement revealed that he had battled various illnesses for seven years, including prostate cancer and a lifelong battle with Crohn's disease.

Over the past six months, Kasten had shared with his closest friends that he was terminally ill.

His large comedy and arts community rallied alongside him, his family said. Some traveled to Batavia to visit him, late-night Zoom meetings with friends on both coasts followed and continued into the wee hours of the morning.

In the post, his wife Diana Kastenbaum said the outpouring of love and regular Zoom calls from his friends extended his life by at least two more months to be able to laugh with his peers.

The Bronx native and longtime Yankees fan was a legendary figure in the New York comedy scene. He began his stand-up career in 1978 when Jerry Seinfeld passed him during an audition at The Comic Strip.

He became a mainstay of the comedy scene, where he entertained audiences throughout the 70s and 80s.

He channeled the greats in his onstage demeanor, always dressing for the occasion. With his open-collared shirts and smart sports jackets, always with a puffy pocket square, he stood out among his peers, the obituary said.

He was the missing link to another generation of comedians he watched as a child on television. He imitated Alan King, Jackie Gleason and Jerry Lewis, we add.

Eventually moving to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career, Kasten worked steadily throughout the '90s and early 2000s, garnering additional credits on 7th Heaven, Saved By the Bell, The Fresh Prince of Bel- Air, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Everybody Loves. Raymond, Mad About You, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, LA Law, Seinfeld and Its Like, You Know, and many more.

Kasten and Kastenbaum moved to Batavia in 2012 so she could be closer to her aging father. The couple shares one daughter, Millicent Jade Kastenbaum.




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