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Not Anil Kapoor, but this Bollywood superstar was Nayak's first choice: the real hero

Not Anil Kapoor, but this Bollywood superstar was Nayak's first choice: the real hero


Bollywood's leading actor Anil Kapoor has been entertaining us for over 40 years and he has given many hit films in his career spanning over four decades.

Not Anil Kapoor, but this Bollywood superstar was Nayak's first choice: the real hero – RVCJ Media

Nayak: The Real Hero, released in 2001, is one of Anil Kapoor's most loved films. It was directed by S. Shankar and also starred Rani Mukerji, Amrish Puri, Paresh Rawal, Johnny Lever, etc. in important roles. Although the film did not perform well at the box office, it was appreciated by audiences when it was broadcast on satellite television, and over the years it achieved cult status.

Despite the fact that it failed at the box office, it is still considered one of Anil Kapoor's best films. But did you know that he wasn't the first choice for the lead role in the film?

Not Anil Kapoor, but this Bollywood superstar was Nayak's first choice: the real hero – RVCJ Media

Nayak: The Real Hero was a remake of the 1999 Tamil film Mudhalvan which starred Arjun, Manisha Koirala and Raghuvaran in important roles. The Tamil film was also directed by S. Shankar and it is said that when he thought of making its remake in Hindi, he first contacted Aamir Khan but he declined the offer due to the political nature of the subject and Shah Rukh rejected the film citing that he had already played the role of a journalist in Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (2000), so he did not want to portray the character of a journalist again.

However, some reports said that SRK took one rupee as the signing amount and he assured Shankar that he would give the dates of the film. But Shah Rukh changed his decision after watching the original Tamil film because he felt that the concept of a one-day chief minister would not work with North Indian audiences. Shah Rukh wanted some changes in the script, but Shankar wanted to stick to the same script, which is why they both parted ways.

Not Anil Kapoor, but this Bollywood superstar was Nayak's first choice: the real hero – RVCJ Media

Finally, Anil Kapoor was cast in the lead role and there is no denying that his acting was simply superb in the film and no one could have played this role better than him.

Anil Kapoor is a Jhakaas actor, right?




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