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Iconic Hollywood restaurant closes after half a century

Iconic Hollywood restaurant closes after half a century


The woman who ran one of America's most famous restaurants for 55 years blamed the pandemic, business overhead and California's rising minimum wage as she closed her doors for the final time .

Marilyn Leviton, 91, opened Arby's on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood in 1969 and her 10-gallon hat sign became a landmark on the Strip, drawing millions of customers to sample her roast beef sandwich.

But diners were greeted by a sign reading “Farewell Hollywood.” TY for 55 great years,” when they arrived this morning as the iconic restaurant became the latest victim of the scourge ravaging the American restaurant industry.

“I am terribly sorry it has come to this,” she said KTLA. “I think we’ve done a good job for 55 years.”

Marilyn was a 34-year-old elementary school teacher when she and her husband Mike moved from Skokie, Illinois, with their three children to take a gamble on their new business.

The restaurant, with its original neon cowboy hat sign, has been a landmark on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard since its opening in 1969.

The restaurant, with its original neon cowboy hat sign, has been a landmark on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard since its opening in 1969.

Owner Marilyn Leviton, 91, ran it for 55 years but blamed a combination of the pandemic, company overhead and California's rising minimum wage during the board meeting Monday.

Owner Marilyn Leviton, 91, ran it for 55 years but blamed a combination of the pandemic, company overhead and California's rising minimum wage during the board meeting Monday.

The franchise was only five years old, but the 5920 Sunset Blvd location was close to several major movie studios and the restaurant was the only one on the street with a view of the iconic Hollywood sign.

It quickly found itself as a backdrop for movies and TV shows and served as the location for Emmy-nominated BasketBalls starring Zach Galifianakis.

It celebrated its 50th anniversary in January 2019 by serving its signature roast beef sandwich at the original price of 79 cents, but the sun was about to set on the family restaurant.

“The truth is, I think it was the pandemic that wiped us out,” Marilyn said. “I really think we would have closed during the pandemic without the federal loans.

“Arby's requires more technical equipment that we couldn't afford, and I don't think the $20 an hour wage increase helped either.”

A law signed by California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in September last year raised the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour at chains with more than 60 locations in the United States.

That's a 25 percent increase from California's standard minimum wage of $16 an hour, which only took effect in January.

The move sparked fury among restaurateurs, and nearly 10,000 jobs at chains ranging from Pizza Hut to Burger King have been eliminated since the law took effect April 1, according to a report from a restaurant trade group. 'State.

The closure notice that broke the news to diners Monday morning

The closure notice that broke the news to diners Monday morning

Marilyn's children, Judy, Bob and Ruth, all worked at the restaurant as teenagers after it opened in 1969 and reunited for its 50th anniversary in 2019.

Marilyn's children, Judy, Bob and Ruth, all worked at the restaurant as teenagers after it opened in 1969 and reunited for its 50th anniversary in 2019.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the fast food bill raising the minimum wage surrounded by workers from SEIU Local 721 in Los Angeles on September 28, 2023.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the fast food bill raising the minimum wage surrounded by workers from SEIU Local 721 in Los Angeles on September 28, 2023.

To highlight the law's impact, the trade group California Business and Industrial Alliance published a fake ad with fake

To highlight the law's impact, the trade group California Business and Industrial Alliance published a fake ad with fake “obituaries” of popular brands.

On top of that, chains have closed restaurants, including beloved Mexican chain Rubio's Coastal Grill, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this month and closed 48 locations in the state.

“California businesses have been under complete and utter attack for years,” Tom Manzo, president of the California Business and Industrial Alliance, told Fox Business.

“It’s just another law that puts businesses even more at risk.”

The Alliance released an ad in the style of a fake obituary to highlight the damage it says has been done to some of the industry's favorite brands.

But restaurants in the United States have struggled to attract their former customers again since the pandemic, as they increasingly succumb to food delivery services.

Red Lobster abruptly closed 93 of its approximately 700 restaurants on May 13, a few days earlier, due to Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

And court documents suggest there are 135 other Red Lobster outlets which bosses say will continue to lose money if leases remain as they are.

Applebee's closed 46 locations last year and announced plans to open at least 25 more this year.

And Denny's plans to continue closing 57 restaurants with up to 20 more this year.

The news of Arby's departure sparked a wave of nostalgia from Californians, including from actor Dean England who worked on Baskets.

“I saw this sign so many times when I was a kid,” he wrote on Facebook. “So it was a little surreal to be cast and film in Hollywood while playing the role of Arby's HR manager. I sure hope this panel gets saved.

“One of the first places I ate when I moved here,” added Samantha Lloyd Gordon. “Starving actor, literally. »

“Let me guess that in its place will go another high-rise building that will remain largely unoccupied? » predicted David Silver.

“This sign should be donated to the Neon Museum in Las Vegas,” suggested Melissa Jean.

“I’m glad I saw it in person.”




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