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All the Actors Appearing in the Brats Brat Pack Documentary (And What They Think About It)

All the Actors Appearing in the Brats Brat Pack Documentary (And What They Think About It)



  • Key takeaways:
  • The documentary Brats explores the lasting impact of the “Brat Pack” label on young actors of the 1980s.
  • Each member of the Brat Pack had a different reaction to the negative label, affecting their careers differently.
  • Despite initial backlash, the Brat Pack cast learned to navigate and thrive beyond the label.

THE Kids a documentary on Hulu explores the impact of “Pack of kids” label on young actors of the 1980s, particularly those who agreed to be part of the documentary. The actors starred in the quintessential Brat Pack films of the 1980s, which focused on the experiences of young people and defined their era. THE Kids the documentary comes from the mind of director and official member of the Brat Pack, Andrew McCarthySince Fire of St. Elmo (1985) and Pretty in pink (1986). He explores the label's lasting effect in interviews with his fellow Brat Pack members nearly four decades after a New York Review the article coined the term.

The Brat Pack actors of the 1980s and their films ushered in a new era for Hollywood where young people focused on the big screen. Notable The members of the Brat Pack were Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez, Robe Lowe, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson.. the one from Hulu Kids The documentary revealed that each member of the group reacted negatively to the article – at least initially. They all felt the label was unnecessarily negative and took offense at its reductive nature. But even though every member of the Brat Pack hated the label, it affected each of them differently, fueling this narrative for Kids.

Brat Pack actors who appeared in Andrew McCarthy Kids



Brat Pack Movies

Andrew McCarthy in Brats Hulu Brat Pack Documentary.jpg

Andrew McCarthy

Classy, ​​St. Elmo's Fire, Pretty in Pink

Emilio Estevez smiling at Andrew McCarthy in Brats

Emilio Estévez

Tex, The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire

Ally Sheedy smiling among kids

Ally Sheedy

Bad Boys, WarGames, Oxford Blues, The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire

Demi Moore's kids

Demi Moore

St. Elmo's fire, about last night, wisdom

Rob Lowe smiling in a brightly lit room in Brats

Rob Lowe

The Outsiders, Class, Oxford Blues, St. Elmo's Fire, Youngblood, About Last Night

Andrew McCarthy

November 29, 1962

  • Years of activity: 1983 to present

Andrew McCarthy was deeply affected by the label assigned to him and other actors in the 1980s. In his interview with Brat Pack member Demi Moore in The kids,McCarthy compares seeing the article for the first time to someone stabbing him in the back. between his shoulder blades. McCarthy Kids documentary featured interview excerpts of himself in the 80s after the New York Review the article is out. He's clearly upset by the label, which tricks interviewers and listeners into thinking that people have been too quick to lump the actors together, and he thinks they're all very different.

McCarthy's treatment of how the label made him feel and how it affected his career is at the heart of the Kids documentary. Some of Andrew McCarthy's best films were his Brat Pack roles. Even though McCarthy continued to take action after the article was published, he felt that it affected how people perceived him. Moreover, throughout the documentary he realizes how much he let the label affect him as much as anyone else. Andrew said he adopted a closed-off, defensive quality and realized it wasn't fueling his career.

Andrew McCarthy's Notable Brat Pack Films







Fire of St. Elmo


Kevin Dolenz

Pretty in pink



Emilio Estévez

May 12, 1962

  • Years of activity: 1973 to present

Emilio Estevez was also deeply touched by this article. He told Andrew McCarthy in the Kids documentary which after the article was published, he wanted to distance himself as much as possible from the Brat Pack. He recalls that the actors did not Young men with unlimited capital, a movie they were supposed to make together because he didn't want to be associated with the Brat Pack. It was a shame because Estevez remembers it as one of the best scripts he had read in a long time. McCarthy and Estevez have an emotional moment in the interview about the missed opportunity.

Estevez has memorable roles before and after the New York Review this article demeaned his Hollywood status, including his role in The mighty ducks (1992). That said, the actor has taken on smaller roles over time, leading people to wonder what happened to Emilio Estevez. He explains to McCarthy in the documentary that he refuses any opportunity to dig into his past but reveals that he agreed to speak to Andrew because he called him. The actors face their past together, accepting that the past only has the power over their future that they give it.

Notable Films from Emilio Estevez's Brat Pack






Johnny Collins

The foreigners


Two-bit Matthews

The breakfast club


Andrew Clark

Fire of St. Elmo


Kirby Keger

Ally Sheedy

June 13, 1962

  • Years of activity: 1975 to present

Sheedy was in two quintessential Brat Pack movies: The breakfast club And The fire of Saint-Elmo. She shared McCarthy's sentiment that the play had affected her career, and they were deeply connected by their experiences navigating their careers after its release. It is clear from the expressions on Sheedy and McCarthy's faces that they were both hurt by the article and felt the effects of that pain in the present. They also have positive memories from their time in the Brat Pack that linger, like when Sheedy took Andrew back to his hotel.

Andrew McCarthy contacted Sheedy's
The breakfast club
co-stars and fellow Brat Pack members Molly Ringwald and Judd Nelson will be interviewed for the
documentary, but they refused.

This is covered in the interview excerpts in Kids that Sheedy was affected by the article then, as it is now. Sheedy's last Brat Pack movie was Betsy's wedding in 1990, and after that she continued to act but did not have the same caliber of projects or roles as when she worked with the other members of the Brat Pack; she has completed many small projects and has a strong presence on television. Although she felt hurt by the article, she was willing to open up to McCarthy and benefit from their shared experience.

Notable Movies from Ally Sheedy's Brat Pack




Bad Boys


JC Walenski

War games



Oxford Blues



The breakfast club


Allison Reynolds

Fire of St. Elmo


Leslie Hunter

Blue city


Annie Rayford

Betsy's wedding


Connie Hopper

Demi Moore

November 11, 1962

  • Years of activity: 1981 to present

Demi Moore played many important roles during the era of the Brat Pack films, but her career has excelled far beyond that. after the article came out. While she initially felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her when the article came out, Moore had apparently long since accepted the reality that the article had only so much power over her career that she gave him some. The actor became the highest-paid actress of the 1990s, and many of Demi Moore's best films all took place well after the Brat Pack disbanded.

Moore speaks with informed clarity when discussing the fallout from
New York Review
article with McCarthy, allowing him to see that his reaction to the article limited his expression

After the Brat Pack, Moore starred in Ghost (1990) alongside Patrick Swayze. She was also in Some good men (1992), Indecent Proposal (1993), Disclosure (1994), Striptease (1996), and GI Jeanne (1997). Moore's strong acting career in the '90s was a product of her outlook on the item and life in general. Moore speaks with informed clarity when discussing the fallout from New York Review article with McCarthy, allowing him to see that his reaction to the article was limiting his expression in his acting career. His acquired ability to face challenges certainly played a role in his success.

Demi Moores' Notable Brat Pack Movies




Fire of St. Elmo



About last night





Karen Simmons

Rob Lowe

March 17, 1964

  • Years of activity: 1979 to present

Rob Lowe is also a core member of the Brat Pack and was interviewed for Kids after a few unsuccessful reunion attempts. It is clear from Lowe's presence in popular culture that the Brat Pack label didn't define Lowe the same way it defined some of the other actors. His Brat Pack roles only compromise some of Rob Lowe's best film and television roles. Rob Lowe is close to downtown Hollywood from New York Review The article came out, and its positive outlook on the situation did indeed play a role in making it stand out.

In the 1990s, Rob Lowe starred in films like Wayne's World And Tommy boy, which positions him at the center of the zeitgeist of the 1990s. Over the past two decades, he has appeared in television series like The west wing,California, And Parks and Recreation. Lowe is equally, if not more, recognized for his work published in the 40 years since the article. He managed to distance himself from the Brat Pack label and distinguish himself further. Without minimizing the effects of the article, Rob Lowe went beyond the label and quickly embraced the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.

Notable Films from Rob Lowes' Brat Pack




The foreigners


Sodapop Curtis




Oxford Blues


Nick DeAngelo

Fire of St. Elmo


Billy Hicks

young blood


Dean Youngblood

About last night



John Cryer, Lea Thompson and Tim Hutton were also interviewed as part of the


documentary, but they are not defined as official members of the Brat Pack.

Brats 2024 documentary poster

The kids (2024)

Brats offers an in-depth look at the lives of military kids, capturing the complexities of growing up on the move. Through candid interviews and gripping stories, the documentary highlights the resilience and adaptability needed to cope with frequent relocations.

Andrew McCarthy

Release date
June 13, 2024

Andrew McCarthy

Lea Thompson, Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Ally Sheedy, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Jon Cryer

92 minutes




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