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Mamta Mohandas Interview: The Maharaja actor believes that the new generation of actors can only survive through hardcore PR »

Mamta Mohandas Interview: The Maharaja actor believes that the new generation of actors can only survive through hardcore PR »


Malayalam actress Mamta Mohandas, who was seen in Vijay Sethupathi's latest hit film Maharaja, is thrilled to have been able to act with the Tamil star. Although she says the dominant factor for signing a film is the script, in the case of director Nithilan Swaminathans Maharaja, it was also Vijay Sethupathi. (Also Read Day 3 of Maharaja Box Office Collection: Vijay Sethupathi and Anurag Kashyap's films are almost new 22 crores so far)

Mamta Mohandas Interview: Maharaja actors believe 'hardcore PR' is the only way to secure the careers of the new generation of actors
Mamta Mohandas Interview: Maharaja actors believe 'hardcore PR' is the only way to secure the careers of the new generation of actors

On Vijay Sethupathi

In an exclusive conversation with Hindustan Times, Mamta said about actor Jawan, “I like the way he chooses his roles and the way he maintains his career, not only as a hero, but also as a than an artist. He is an actor who is also known for his very unique character choices in films. And these actors have a very long lifespan. We have very few actors like this in Indian cinema who are willing to bend in any way to really resonate with the character and deliver something they believe in, more than just playing hero roles stereotypical. I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to take this kind of risk in their career. And Vijay Sethupathi is definitely one of those artists that I have immense respect for. I would love to do another film with him.”

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Vijay Sethupathi in a still of the Maharaja
Vijay Sethupathi in a still of the Maharaja

By taking breaks from movies

The Live actress has taken periodic breaks from her films since 2010, when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, but she has bounced back stronger each time. Ask Mamta if she missed out on any good opportunities and she says, “Yes, I had to pass up some opportunities, which would have been amazing in those days, but my real life was more important than my real life. It's not like I go away for several years and come back, which is most people's story. Most women usually use this break to focus on their personal lives or perhaps have a baby or two and then make a comeback. At the time, it was like that. But my intervals since the start of my career have been like I was here for two years, then gone for a year, then came back. It helped me see the evolution of cinema and how female characters have evolved over time. I think I'm still very relevant and able to get offers for lead roles and really good films. Few women have had a stable career like mine. This is my 19th year! Despite the disappointments I have had in having to say no to certain films, I have also been welcomed by the industry with wide open arms. And that’s definitely a blessing.

On actresses enjoying autonomy

Does Mamta think the film industry has evolved to a point where leading actresses can dictate which directors they want to work with? Mamta answers frankly: I think that if one takes ownership of their seniority and if they get value for money. You also need to have a certain perception of yourself. I think this confidence will definitely encourage you to look for the right script that can be presented to the right producer and therefore find the right director, etc. It can be done if a woman thinks about it in today's times, that's what I believe. I think it's possible for women to define the narrative because there's some room for that. I see this happening and it’s changing.

Mamta Mohandas was last seen in Maharaja
Mamta Mohandas was last seen in Maharaja

On the new generation of actors

While there are many leading women and heroes in the South film industry who have worked for years and built a vast body and mostly commendable body of work, the Jana Gana Mana actor feels that the generation Current young actors might not be as successful. Over the past five years, the talent that has arrived is definitely replaceable. I really doubt we will be able to build legends and stars afterwards. That has changed now. They can possibly succeed if they have the talent, the right PR, marketing, etc. At the time, our work spoke for itself. Today, hardcore PR is the only thing that will make you visible and relevant and maybe give you a career for the next five years, signs Mamta.




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