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Microdramas: the short videos that are reshaping the entertainment landscape

Microdramas: the short videos that are reshaping the entertainment landscape


Introduction: Drama in Minutes

Vampires in love. A woman who unknowingly marries a billionaire. The homesick Chinese jade teapot that makes for a daring escape from a museum. A leader who travels back in time to the Ming Dynasty – to cook up a storm, naturally.

Welcome to the world of microdramas. Fast, fun and compelling, microdramas are taking the world of mobile entertainment by storm. In this genre, over-the-top stories with dramatic twists and suspenseful endings make up individual episodes that last not an hour, nor half, but rather a few minutes.

Neither in theaters nor even on streaming services, these shows are made to be watched on smartphones and on the go. Plot ? Read on for an explainer of microdramas in six — brief — episodes.

Episode 1: What is a Microdrama Anyway?

Think of microdramas as the snackable, easy-to-digest version of traditional soap operas and TV series. These bursts of entertainment typically last one to two minutes, and up to 15 minutes per episode, and are tailor-made for mobile-first digital natives who want to squeeze in a story or two between tasks. Most are low-budget and rely on engaging tabloid-style stories that keep people coming back for more.

Episode 2: A galaxy of genres

These dramas are not just quick; they are diverse. Microdramas touch every genre, from romance and mystery to comedy, sci-fi, and action-packed thrillers. There is something for every taste. In “Unparallel,” for example, an employee is shocked to learn that he is the heir to a vast business empire, leading to a bitter power struggle that has captivated audiences and generated $100 million in revenue. in just eight days. Microdramas draw on themes ranging from everyday life to fantastical adventures, often revolving around relatable characters or who long for love, personal transformation, or success.

Episode 3: Origin and Growth Story

Originating in China, microdramas went mainstream around 2018, as smartphone adoption became near-universal and increasingly used to conduct all kinds of daily life. Their prevalence has skyrocketed on platforms like Weixin Channels. And where, for a while, podcasts seemed to dominate in many areas, China has embraced visual storytelling. In 2022, some 1 billion Chinese internet users watched an average of 2.5 hours of short videos per day, with more than half watching microdramas.

Microdrama streaming platforms make money through viewing, membership and advertising fees, many of which charge per episode. Low production costs and flexible production methods have attracted a large number of emerging film and television production companies and multi-channel networks (MCNs). Monetization comes from sharing the purchase costs of the broadcast platform and the integrated advertising costs.

Episode 4: Conquering the national and world stage

In addition to captivating massive audiences in China, microdramas have also made significant inroads internationally. The industry market size in China was $5.2 billion in 2023, a phenomenal 268% year-on-year increase, with the number of Chinese online drama micro-short films released in the third quarter of 2023 being almost double that of the entire 2022. By 2027, some estimate that the industry's market size could reach nearly $14 billion, highlighting its considerable market potential.

ReelShort, a major short-form streaming platform, has seen success overseas, even surpassing TikTok in the U.S. iOS entertainment rankings for a period in late 2023. The platform has attracted a global audience with popular themes. stories and diverse castings that resonate well beyond its home market. walk.

Episode 5: Lights! Camera! Get in on the action!

How Tencent offers a unique microdrama management platform that empowers program creators

  • Platform Support: Tencent Cloud offers an integrated solution for microdramas that includes robust and cost-effective tools for efficient production, management and distribution of video content. It simplifies the content creation process and allows comprehensive analysis of performance data.
  • Audience Reach: The platform connects creators to a global audience through its vast network, thereby improving content visibility. Any delay in streaming may result in loss of viewers. Smooth distribution is therefore a priority.
  • Monetization Models: Through advertising, subscriptions and pay-per-view models, Tencent helps storytellers turn their creative ideas into profitable businesses.
  • Intellectual Property Quality and Innovation: Tencent encourages high-quality production and innovative storytelling, helping creators create remarkable content and monitor and protect their copyrights.

Lainey Zhu, Product Manager of Video on Demand (VOD) Solutions, said, “VOD provides a unique solution and meets the business needs of microdrama customers. These include uploading, distribution, media processing, media asset management, content playback, copyright protection and other industry issues.

Bonus content: did you know?

  • Short Bollywood: Indian entertainment giants are quickly embracing the microdrama trend, distilling the vibrant essence of Bollywood into short-form narratives.
  • Anime in a Flash: In Japan, the anime industry condenses its epic tales into micro-formats, allowing fans to enjoy quick fragments of their favorite stories.

Episode 6: Closing scene

Microdramas are transforming the entertainment landscape, compressing grandiose stories into concise, gripping episodes suitable for on-the-go consumption. Perfect for creators looking to stand out with innovative content and for audiences looking for a quick storytelling fix, microdramas deliver thrilling experiences in miniature form. Time will tell, but this one feels like “happily ever after.”





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