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Duo Sonare: The collaboration that merges Beethoven with Hollywood music – Culture Israel

Duo Sonare: The collaboration that merges Beethoven with Hollywood music – Culture Israel
Duo Sonare: The collaboration that merges Beethoven with Hollywood music – Culture Israel


It is rare that Beethoven's music meets Hollywood music in the same performance. The exception is when performed by Duo Sonare, the collaboration of pianist, composer and arranger Dr. Tal Zilber; and virtuoso violinist Yonatan Selai. Their goals are to share not only beautiful music, but also a program of divergent musical styles and how they resonate and enrich each other.

“Classical music is almost a ‘religion’ for us,” Selai said. “Therefore, we will not compromise on the quality or complexity of the repertoire in our quest to make classical music accessible to all. »

Zilber believes in brevity not only in his verbal explanations, with which he prefaced each of the short selections, but also in clarity in the expression of his ideas. In doing so, Duo Sonare constructed a conscious and musically satisfying evening.

What does the program include?

THE PROGRAM opened with the music of Bach, the 18th century composer, with the first movement of his Sonata No. 1 setting the tone for the evening. Bach was a great improviser and influencer. Throughout the concert, Zilber highlighted how his music and techniques influenced later composers.

Violin player (illustrative photo) (credit: INGIMAGE)

As an example, he explained how the underlying motif of the Beatles' song “Eleanor Rigby,” featured later in the program, recalls the fugal motif of Bach's famous Toccata and Fugue in D minor.

“All of a sudden, audiences know how to connect, and the classic [music] is more accessible,” he explained. “It’s important to be open to classical music as well as today’s music,” he stressed.

“It is also important to recognize and not discount music written for film, jazz and popular genres as something less worthy. They are part of our current musical experience and vocabulary and their place is vital.

The central selection of the Sonare Duo's performance was Beethoven's Sonata No. 7 for Violin and Piano, and was imbued with beauty, skill and nuance by both performers. In his short and clear preface.

Praeludium et Allegro, a piece composed by the famous violinist Fritz Kreisler in 1905, who wrote it in the style of Pugnani, an 18th-century composer, is an example of music that spans centuries.

Selai brought a special connection to the piece “Nigun” by Ernest Bloch for violin and piano. His expression of the Jewish soul, in this wordless song, brought this piece to a dramatic and musically satisfying level.

The Duo Sonare then offered the haunting music of John Williams from the film Schindler's List. It was an opportunity to appreciate theater on another level and to showcase Zilber's masterful and expressive arrangement, which left room for the improvisational skills of both artists.

“Here we have the opportunity to improvise, which makes it an exciting experience,” says violinist Selai.

The evening ended with music from The Godfatherfollowed by the fireworks of “Tango” by Argentinian composer Astor Piazzolla.

This mysteriously named concert, Beethoven Meets Hollywood, turned out to be a most enjoyable affair.

Duo Sonare will perform in Tel Aviv at the Bronfman Auditorium on June 18 and at the Rappaport Auditorium in Haifa on June 25. Visit for more information.




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