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EXCLUSIVE: Ishq Vishk Rebound is the shortest Bollywood film in recent times; CBFC blurs middle finger visuals in Rohit Saraf-starrer: Bollywood News

EXCLUSIVE: Ishq Vishk Rebound is the shortest Bollywood film in recent times;  CBFC blurs middle finger visuals in Rohit Saraf-starrer: Bollywood News


The young artist, Ishq Vishk Rebound, is all set to release this week and its creators have completed its censorship process in advance. It received the censor certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) on June 10. The CBFC has passed the romantic comedy with a U/A certificate with two modifications.

EXCLUSIVE: Ishq Vishk Rebound is the shortest Bollywood film in recent times;  CBFC blurs middle finger visuals in Rohit Saraf-starrer

EXCLUSIVE: Ishq Vishk Rebound is the shortest Bollywood film in recent times; CBFC blurs middle finger visuals in Rohit Saraf-starrer

Firstly, the CBFC review panel asked the makers to blur the visuals of the middle finger. Second, a warning about alcohol consumption was displayed at the bottom of the screen in all alcohol-related scenes.

It is interesting to note that the duration of Ishq Vishk Rebound, as mentioned on the censor certificate, lasts 106 minutes. In other words, its runtime is only 1 hour 46 minutes. This makes it the shortest significant Hindi film in a long time.

There have recently been films that are 110 minutes or less in length, such as Raksha Bandhan (2022; 110 minutes), Dhokha – D Round Corner (2022; 108 minutes), dog (2023; 108 minutes) etc. Zwigato (2023) was a minute shorter, with a runtime of 105 minutes. But there was a small version. According to records, the last film that had a major release and was shorter than Ishq Vishk Rebound was Sunny Singh starrer Jai Maman Di (2020). It was released in around 750 to 800 screens and ran for 103 minutes.

A multiplex official remarked: “It is common for Hollywood films to be 1 hour 40 or 50 minutes long. But we were pleasantly surprised to learn about its autonomy. It's rare for a Hindi film to be this short. From now on, we can host 6 or even 7 shows of Ishq Vishk Rebound in one screen per day, if necessary.

Ishq Vishk Rebound stars Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan and Naila Grewal. Supported by Ramesh Tauranis Tips Films, it is directed by Nipun Avinash Dharmadhikari. It will be released on June 21.

Also Read: Ishq Vishk Rebound's Gore Gore Mukhde Pe Song Released: Badshah Rewrites Udit Narayan's Iconic Track

More pages: Ishq Vishk Rebound Box Office Collection


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