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Nawab Begum Sajida Sultan Ali Khan Pataudi of Bhopal has a Bollywood connection

Nawab Begum Sajida Sultan Ali Khan Pataudi of Bhopal has a Bollywood connection


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(Left) Nawab Mohammad Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi and Sajida Sultan (Photo: Instagram/oroyalarchives); (right) Sajida Sultan (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The princely state of Bhopal (Today Madhya Pradesh) was led by Muslim women for 107 years (between 1819 and 1926). These “Begums of Bhopal” constituted a formidable force, often called “Nawabs of Bhopal”. In a society rooted in the social construct of patriarchy, they faced opposition from their male counterparts, and even the British were opposed until the Begums identified Queen Victoria. as a model and inspiration.

However, the last Begum Nawab, Kaikhusrau Jahan, abdicated the throne to install her son, Hamidullah Khan as Nawab, thus ending the rule of the Begums in Bhopal. Hamidullah Khan had four children: Abida Sultan, Sajida Sultan, Rabia Sultan and Farzana Begum Sahiba.

But did you know that Sajida Sultan, who became the titular ruler of Bhopal after her father's death, was the mother of late cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan and the actor's mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore? This makes her the actor's grandmother Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan, and the actor's mother-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan.

Sajida Sultan was married to Nawab Mohammad Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudithe 8th Nabob of Royal family of Pataudi, a princely state near Delhi today located in Haryana. He was also captain of the Indian national cricket team. When Sajida's father died in 1960, she became the 12th Nawab Begum of Bhopal. Her elder sister, Abida, who would have been the Begum after their father's death, had emigrated to Pakistan during Partition.

In fact, when Kareena married Saif in 2012, she carried an ancient Bhopali heritage. iodine, which belonged to Sajida Sultan Ali Khan Pataudi. This iodine was worn by Kareena's mother-in-law, actor Sharmila Tagore for her nikaah in 1962. The sharara was restored by designer Ritu Kumar. In an interview with Vogue, Ritu said, “The iodine had to be revived and revamped in order to adapt to today's aesthetic without losing its intrinsic quality. It took six months to design and recreate the odhni and the outfit. The outfit was a divided sharara with a long tail, which had to be held by two people from behind while walking. The tail has been shortened so that Kareena is comfortable and can walk easily.

After the death of her husband, Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, her son Mansoor Ali Khan succeeded her as the 9th Nawab of Pataudi. Sajida Sultan died in 1995 and Mansoor Ali Khan became the Mutawalli of the Auqaf-e-Shahi of Bhopal. Mansoor Ali Khan married actor Sharmila Tagore and they had three children: Saif Ali Khan, Saba Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan.




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