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Joe Manganiello, COAF Board Member and Acclaimed Actor, Goes on Pilgrimage to Armenia

Joe Manganiello, COAF Board Member and Acclaimed Actor, Goes on Pilgrimage to Armenia


Joe Manganiello and his girlfriend Caitlin OConnor at the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex

YEREVAN Actor, producer, director, writer and reality competition host Joe Manganiello recently embarked on a deeply personal and transformative journey: a pilgrimage to his ancestral homeland of Amenia, announced the Children's Fund of Armenia (COAF).

At the invitation of COAF, the acclaimed actor, who received the prestigious Humanitarian Prize at COAFs 20th birthday gala in New York last year, traveled to the small landlocked country to embrace his Armenian heritage and reconnect with his maternal roots.

Manganiello's decision to embark on the pilgrimage was born of deep introspection and a desire to deepen his sense of identity. While delving into the rich tapestry of his Armenian ancestors, he sought to weave the threads of the past into the fabric of his present.

Joe Manganiello stands next to the iconic 100 meter wall leading to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial, outside the town of Kharberd

Manganiello publicly shared her family's story to help heal generational trauma and validate the atrocities committed against Armenians in 1915. A survivor of the Armenian Genocide, her maternal great-grandmother Terviz Rose Darakjian gave birth to Manganiello's grandmother, Sirarpi, in 1915. a refugee camp. The actor embarked on this journey with a deep respect for his heritage.

The plaque in memory of Joe Manganiello's great-grandmother, Terviz Rose Darakjian, planted next to the tree he planted in her honor in Tsitsernakaberd

This intensely personal journey gave Manganiello the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of his ancestors, visit the places that shaped his family history, and connect with the culture, traditions, and people that are an integral part of his identity .

With his girlfriend Caitlin O'Connor and his dog Bubbles, Manganiello visited Armenia for 10 days in May, discovering the country's rich history, breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultural canvas. From its bustling capital, Yerevan, to serene monasteries and lush valleys, Armenia has captivated the souls of actors.

After visiting the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, Manganiello planted a tree at the Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex in honor of Terviz and Sirapri, not only to commemorate his great-grandmother and grandmother as as victims and survivors, but also to symbolize life, renewal and lasting humanity. spirit.

Joe Manganiello, High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan and COAF Vice President of Development Haig Boyadjian in Tsitsernakaberd

Among the highlights of the trip was a visit to the state-of-the-art COAF SMART center in the Lori region of Armenia. At one of COAF’s child and family centers in Armavir, Manganiello joined children in a finger painting activity and learned about the many services provided to rural families. He attended a dinner at the private residence of Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan and met with Zareh Sinanyan, High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs.

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Manganiello's journey was not just a journey across a country but a passage through time, offering a glimpse of an ancient civilization that has resisted centuries and attempts at cultural erasure. Manganiello left Armenia after discovering a hidden gem, where history and modernity coexist in harmony, as well as an important part of himself.

Joe Manganiello and his girlfriend Caitlin O'Connor meet with the President of the Republic of Armenia, Vahagn Khachaturyan

About Joe Manganiello

Actor, producer, director, published author, Emmy-winning voice actor, and reality competition host, Joe Manganiello holds a BFA in Theater from the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama. He can most recently be seen as the host of NBC's brand new hit series. Deal or No Deal Islandwhich has just been renewed for a second season.

Last year he starred alongside Uma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson in the feature film The killing roomand he is currently putting the finishing touches on the official documentary series on 50 years of Dungeons & Dragons history that he directed and produced for eOne and Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro, scheduled for release next year.

As an actor, Manganiello is probably best known for his roles as werewolf Alcide Herveaux in the HBO series. Real bloodas Big Dick Richie in Steven Soderbergh Magic Mike And Magic Mike XXLas Pee Wee Hermans' best friend in Pee Wees Summer Vacationand as super-villain Deathstroke in Zack Snyders Justice League. He occasionally returns to his stage roots, the latest time being a Yale Repertory production of A tram named Desire in which he played Stanley Kowalski. He will next be seen alongside Vince Vaughn, Susan Sarandon and Lorraine Bracco in the comedy film Nonnaswhich is expected to be released later this year.

He financed, produced and directed the award-winning documentary At the barand produced and starred in the lms Bottom of the 9th, Shoplifters of the World And Sworn enemy.

Other roles include Sabotage, The backbone of the night, Smurfs: The Lost VillageSam Raimis Spider Man, A tree hill, What to expect when you're expecting, Mythic Quest, EAST And how I Met Your Mother.

In addition to his film work, Manganiello has worked as a paid consultant for Dungeons & Dragons over the years, leading to his being recruited to write and develop their bestselling novel series in New York. Dragonlance for TV/streaming as showrunner. He serves on the board of directors of UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Joe Manganiello and his girlfriend Caitlin OConnor at the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

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