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Universal Studios Hollywood unleashes radioactive zombies for Halloween Horror Nights 2024 – Daily News

Universal Studios Hollywood unleashes radioactive zombies for Halloween Horror Nights 2024 – Daily News


Universal Studios Hollywood will bring a radioactive zombie haunted maze to Halloween Horror Nights that will serve as a “spiritual sequel” to a similarly themed haunted house introduced at Universal Orlando more than a decade ago.

Dead Exposure: Death Valley is the second of eight haunted mazes announced for Halloween Horror Nights 2024 at Universal Studios Hollywood.

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Halloween Horror Nights 2024 takes place on select nights from September 5 to November 3 at Universal Studios Hollywood with eight new haunted mazes as well as several scare zones and the Terror Tram.

Dead Exposure will take Horror Nights visitors to a secret military laboratory where a disastrous attempt to create a super soldier results in an army of radioactive zombies, according to the maze's story.

The original storyline will not be based on any existing film or television horror franchise – the typical route for Hollywood's version of Horror Nights.

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Universal Orlando relies more on original haunted house concepts, while Universal Studios Hollywood tends to rely on classic horror intellectual properties like “Friday the 13th,” “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and ” Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” as well as more recent shows like “Stranger.” Things”, “The Walking Dead”, “American Horror Story”.

The Californian park has tried its hand at original thematic labyrinths with The Curse of Pandora's Box (2021), La Llorona: The Weeping Woman (2022) and Holidayz in Hell (2023).

Universal Orlando has already announced six original haunted houses for Horror Nights 2024, not based on classic Hollywood horror films or TV shows, including Slaughter Sinema 2, Goblin's Feast and Major Sweets Candy Factory.

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The first Dead Exposure haunted house debuted in 2008 at Universal Studios Florida with a sequel titled Dead Exposure: Patient Zero in 2018, according to Attractions Magazine.

Dead Exposure's haunted houses in Florida featured zombies wandering black mazes with strobe lights providing the only illumination, according to Universal interior.

Dead Exposure: Death Valley marks the first appearance of the original Horror Nights haunted maze franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood.

Dead Exposure's two haunted houses in Florida didn't have much in common beyond the zombie theme, according to WDW News Today.

The 2008 Dead Exposure house featured two Horror Nights characters named Charlie McPherson and Mary Agana who were not involved in the 2018 Patient Zero house dubbed a “spiritual sequel,” according to WDW News Today.




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