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Will Smith Delivers His Next Film With Sony's 'Resistor'

Will Smith Delivers His Next Film With Sony's 'Resistor'


Will Smith is preparing his next feature film, after the resurgent success of his career as Bad Boys: Ride or Die.

Smith is in talks to star in Resistance for Sony Pictures, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed. The project from Escape Artists is an adaptation of the 2014 novel Influx Since New York Times bestselling author Daniel Suarez, although specific plot details have not been shared. The book focuses on a government agency that locks inventors in a secret prison and misappropriates their work.

No director has yet been appointed for the film, which is currently in development. Screenwriter Zak Olkewicz (High-speed train) wrote the first version, and the latest version is by Oscar-nominated writer Eric Warren Singer (Top Gun: Maverick, American unrest).

Producers include Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Steve Tisch, Tony Shaw and Dave Wilson, alongside Westbrook's Smith and Jon Mone. Heather Washington is executive producer.

Smith and Black have previously collaborated on Sony films Seven books, The pursuit of happiness And Emancipation.

The news follows Smith's return to his position as the top box office winner following his controversial confrontation with Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars ceremony. His Sony film Bad Boys: Ride or Die, which hit theaters earlier this month and starring Martin Lawrence, surpassed $100 million at the domestic box office after 10 days of release.

Ride or die — the fourth installment of the action-comedy film franchise that began in 1995 Bad Boys – marked the first film this summer to arrive significantly ahead of the box office.

THR previously reported that Smith's representatives at CAA recently reached out to the studio's production executives for the first time since the controversial Oscars moment to explore potential projects in hopes of putting together his film. Bad Boys momentum.

Deadline was the first to break the news of Smith's involvement in Resistance.




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