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Historic Arby's in Hollywood faces uncertain future

Historic Arby's in Hollywood faces uncertain future


James Moody parked in the parking lot at 5920 W. Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood late Tuesday morning to reminisce and take a few photos.

His destination was not one of Hollywood's typical tourist attractions, like a famous theater or a Walk of Fame star, but rather a large neon sign that many consider historic.

Over the weekend, the owners of the Hollywood Arbys franchise abruptly closed the fast food restaurant, citing financial difficulties that emerged during the pandemic.

I've been coming here since 1985, when I first moved to Los Angeles, Moody reflects. It's sad to see it go.

Hollywood Arby's
James Moody takes a photo of the iconic Arby's sign on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. June 18, 2024. (KTLA)

Since 1969, the cowboy hat neon sign has greeted diners and drivers alike, promising delicious roast beef sandwiches (among other fast food items).

Located between two historic movie studios, Sunset Bronson and Sunset Gower, and just blocks from many other entertainment industry venues, this Arby's has also served countless celebrities over the decades.

Jerry Seinfeld started his show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee a few years ago, recalls Debby Husch, daughter of franchise owner Marilyn Leviton, who is now 91. Brad Pitt, Lawrence Fishburn and Tom Felton were spotted in the drive-in. through. Dean Winters, Tim Allen, David Harbor and Chrissy Metz entered, among others. And that’s just the last few years!

Hollywood Arby's
The boarded up Arby's at 5920 W. Sunset Blvd in Hollywood is seen June 18, 2024. (KTLA)

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel was also a fan.

Last month, Kimmel included the Arby's in a little comedy involving his family and fellow host and friend Jon Stewart. The segment ended with Stewart dropping off at the restaurant and later arriving with a bag of food during the live taping from Kimmel's studio.

As news of its closure spreads, dozens of people now stop in front of the condemned building for what they see as one last chance to photograph the iconic sign. But even though the restaurant is closed for good, the sign won't be disappearing anytime soon.

“We have a vested interest in making sure the community is happy with what we do with the property, including the sign,” said Blake Megdal, whose investment company owns the building and land. “As a native Angeleno, this is important to me.”

Megdal did not reveal any future plans for the property, saying only that the sign would remain in place – for now.

Los Angeles listed the Arby's sign as potentially historic and eligible to become a local landmark. The city's online register considers it an excellent example of 1960s business signage; features distinctive design features that speak to the business philosophy of the time, including eye-catching shapes and neon lighting.

The Hollywood Arby's sign
The Sunset Boulevard Arby's is seen shortly after the restaurant opened in 1969. (Leviton Family)

In fact, Husch says The Museum of Neon Arts in Glendale, which is home to a wide variety of bright signs, has been in contact with his family in case his future is uncertain.

It seems the likelihood of the giant cowboy hat ending up in a junkyard or dumpster, thankfully, seems slim to none.

For now, the family plans to keep the illuminated sign for the next few days.

“There was such an outpouring of love for the restaurant and especially for our neon sign, so we were going to light it up and let people come take pictures with it,” said Gary Husch, Debby's husband and now former general manager of the restaurant. “The response has been incredible and truly unexpected.”




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