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Meghan Markle's Source Says Her Friend Timing Controversial Raspberry Jam Post Lowell Sun

Meghan Markle's Source Says Her Friend Timing Controversial Raspberry Jam Post Lowell Sun


Britain's Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, gestures as she arrives with Britain's Prince Harry (unseen), Duke of Sussex, during their visit to the Lightway Academy in Abuja on May 10, 2024, as they visit Nigeria as part of the Invictus Games anniversary celebrations. (Photo by Kola SULAIMON / AFP) (Photo by KOLA SULAIMON/AFP via Getty Images)

Is Meghan Markle throwing her famous friend Nacho Figueras under the bus?

Meghan's team certainly doesn't think so, even as a source with inside information. told the Daily Beasthats off, she had nothing to do with the professional polo player's choice of questionable timing to take to Instagram Stories last weekend to promote two new products from her brand new American lifestyle brand Riviera Orchard .

On Saturday, the Duchess of Sussex, based in Montecito, freacted violently after Figueras' post was lifted early in the morning UK time, around six hours before Meghan's cancer-stricken sister-in-law Kate Middleton was set to make her very expected for public office at Trooping the Color. Figueras shared several images of a jar of raspberry jam and a jar of Meghans American Riviera Orchard brand dog biscuits.

< slot="i-amphtml-svc" class="">WELLINGTON, FLORIDA - APRIL 12: Nacho Figueras, Delfina Blaquier, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attend the Royal Salute Polo Challenge benefiting Sentebale at Grand Champions Polo Club on April 12, 2024 in Wellington, Florida .  The annual Polo Cup has been running since 2010 and has to date raised over $11.4 million to support Sentebale's work with children and young people affected by poverty, inequality and HIV/AIDS in Africa southern.  (Photo by Jason Koerner/Getty Images for Sentebale)
WELLINGTON, FLORIDA APRIL 12: Nacho Figueras, Delfina Blaquier, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex attend the Royal Salute Polo Challenge benefiting Sentebale at Grand Champions Polo Club on April 12, 2024 in Wellington, Florida. The annual Polo Cup has been running since 2010 and has to date raised more than $11.4 million to support Sentebales' work with children and young people affected by poverty, inequality and HIV/AIDS in Africa southern. (Photo by Jason Koerner/Getty Images for Sentebale)

As the Daily Beast reported, Meghan's critics and friends of Kate and her husband Prince William suspected her fingerprints were all over the affair. They said it was another example of Meghan or Harry trying to upstage their former royal relatives by issuing press releases, dropping photos or leaking stories about themselves on the day. same or near where their loved ones were engaged in large-scale events planned in advance.

The Princess of Wales released a personal statement on Friday, giving the public an update on her health, three months after announcing she had cancer and six months after stepping down from duty public. The princess said on Instagram that she is making good progress, although she is not out of the woods yet and her treatment is ongoing. But she announced she would attend Trooping the Color on Saturday.

On Friday night in America, Figueras promoted Meghan's AOR products on Instagram, with Meghan accused of trying to steal the spotlight from her ailing sister-in-law or her father-in-law's birthday parade, while he is also recovering from cancer.

Kate actually made it to the parade and flyover on Saturday. His presence made headlines on both sides of the Atlantic. The Telegraph reported that she created an emotional moment for people in the crowds in London and for the millions watching at home, when they saw her board a glass coach and smile with his three children. The future queen also brought star power to the balcony of Buckingham Palace, where she joined William and Charles and the rest of the working royals, The Telegraph added.

The Daily Beast said it had learned from a source that Meghan did not order the post from Figueras and that in fact she had no influence over when, if or how he would post.

The Daily Beast also reported that there is always a risk in user-led campaigns on social media, because it means an influencer like Meghan must cede control of the context and timing of posts. It would be particularly difficult for Meghan to tell Figueras when and what to post about her, when celebrities like him might not respond well to micromanaging their posts, the Daily Beast said.

A marketing expert told The Daily Beast that Meghan likely sent gift packages with notes, asking for media coverage. But the expert said: “You can't tell Nacho Figueras what to do, so I think it's certain that the timing of his message was his own idea.

Meanwhile, this expert has mixed thoughts on Meghans AOR social media campaign so far. On the one hand, the expert called it a phenomenal success and said it didn't cost Meghan anything. In April, she created tons of media buzz and brand awareness by sending jars of a limited batch of strawberry jam to famous friends. Some, including Kris Jenner and Chrissy Teigen, bragged online about receiving one of 50 jars.

This is a classic social media campaign, the expert told The Daily Beast. Other marketing experts would say that Figueras still managed to help generate buzz for its next jam flavor. The backlash was accompanied by Meghans fans who said they were excited for the day they could buy one of her American Riviera Orchard jams for themselves.

On the other hand, the Daily Beast expert points out that the luxury lifestyle brand still does not seem to have any products to sell; its website consists only of a landing page.

The only problem is that there still doesn't seem to be anything for sale, so what's the point? said the expert. I guess we'll find out.




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