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Kate Middleton's Trooping the Color appearance took its toll: Lowell Sun report

Kate Middleton's Trooping the Color appearance took its toll: Lowell Sun report


Catherine, Princess of Wales, during Trooping the Color at Buckingham Palace on June 15, 2024 in London, England. Trooping the Color is a ceremonial parade celebrating the official birthday of the British monarch. The event brings together more than 1,400 soldiers and officers, accompanied by 200 horses. More than 400 musicians from ten different groups and Corps of Drums parade and perform in perfect harmony. (Chris Jackson/Getty Images/TNS)

Jami Ganz | New York Daily News

Kate Middleton's appearance at Trooping the Color last weekend likely took a toll on the royal, who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer and had not made a public appearance since late last year .

The Princess of Wales, 42, who attended the annual event alongside Prince William and their young family, is unlikely to return to the public eye for a while, royal expert Katie Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight.

The princess has this sort of swan-like quality, she sort of glides on the surface but underwater I think a lot of times she's paddling quite frantically, Nicholl said.

Although you would never have guessed that Kate was undergoing chemotherapy, just judging by her impeccable appearance, Nicholl surmised that the Saturday appearance, which commemorated King Charles' official birthday rather than his usual birthday, followed an enormous amount of preparation, time, effort and energy.

There was a moment when she was watching the parade and she was offered a seat, which she gratefully accepted, she continued. It's just a bit of an acknowledgment that she's not as strong, not as fit, as she was before she had this treatment.

Nicholl added that on a day like Saturday, when she knows the eyes of the world are on her, there will be a huge amount of scrutiny that will take its toll, which will likely be followed by a long, well-deserved rest.

I don't think we can expect to see her in public for a little while, Nicholl said.

Nicholl said the princess' appearance on Saturday was her only decision after reaching a milestone in her treatment, but would likely require some recovery time.

No one put pressure on her, Nicholl said, adding that Kate received approval from her medical team. It was important, I think, that the Princess of Wales was there to support her.Stepfatherto be there for her family and to be there for the nation to send a very important message that she is okay.

The monarch, 75, is also undergoing cancer treatment, which he announced in February, just weeks after Kate's successful abdominal surgery and his decision to share news of his own battle with cancer and due to the fact that she was in the middle of preventative chemotherapy.

Kate, who had not attended a royal engagement since Christmas, announced in a statement on Friday that she would attend Trooping the Color days after missing rehearsal.

Noting that she was making good progress, Kate said she was still enduring good days and bad days.

But on good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of wellness, she says, adding that she is not out of the woods yet and has a few months of treatment left. in front of her.

New York Daily News 2024. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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