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Frankie Goes to Bollywood” at the New Cardiff Theater


The captivating musical, conceived by Rifco artistic director Pravesh Kumar MBE, chronicles the journey of a British woman who made her mark in the vibrant world of Bollywood, giving viewers an insight into the struggle for success in a industry dominated by glitz and glamour.

The plot of the musical revolves around Frankie, an unexpected star.

Having wanted nothing more than a united family, his life takes a dramatic turn after a chance meeting with an aspiring director.

Suddenly finding himself in the midst of Bollywood fame and fortune, Frankie begins to question his own limits in order to succeed.

The musical is inspired by the real-life stories of British men and women venturing into Bollywood, aspiring to become household names in the colorful Indian film industry.

Laila Zaidi, a well-known national theater personality, plays the title role of Frankie.

She plays an isolated character yearning for family connection, whose journey to stardom forces her to confront her own dreams and identity.

Shakil Hussain plays Raju King, known as the King of Bollywood and Helen K. Wint plays Malika, a savvy Bollywood starlet who skillfully navigates the cutthroat world of the film industry.

The cast also includes Navin Kundra as Prem Kapoor, an independent filmmaker struggling to find his place in the world of Bollywood.

The musical production embraces the culture and vibrancy of Bollywood, blending it with the essence of a traditional West End extravaganza.

The hybrid music, from both musical theater and Bollywood, an amalgamation of East and West, has the potential to fascinate audiences.

The Rifco Theater Company, under the leadership of Mr. Kumar, has always celebrated contemporary British Asian experiences and culture.

With Mr. Kumar's decade-long experience in Bollywood and UK theater, his attention to untold stories and underrepresented voices is a fundamental part of the company's productions.

This mission resonates strongly in the musical Frankie Goes to Bollywood, exploring the British journey to Bollywood with complete realism and authenticity.

Performances are scheduled between Tuesday July 16 and Saturday July 20, 2024 at the New Theater Cardiff.

This venture has garnered support from renowned companies including Sony Entertainment Television, MAC Cosmetics, and Lyca Radio, further highlighting the expectations surrounding music production.




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