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House of the Dragon: Aegon actor addresses controversial Jaehaerys scene in first episode

House of the Dragon: Aegon actor addresses controversial Jaehaerys scene in first episode


Dragon House Actor Tom Glynn-Carney has spoken out about the controversial final scene of the second season's first episode.

After much anticipation, the HBO epic returned to screens for its second release on Monday, June 17, or Sunday, June 16 for American viewers.

Fans were excited to see Emma DArcy, Olivia Cooke, and Matt Smith reprise their roles as Rhaenyra Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, and Damon Targaryen, respectively.

Among those returning to the cast is Tom Glynn-Carney, who plays the new King Aegon II Targaryen, son of Alicent and Viserys (played by Paddy Considine).

Warning: Spoilers for House of the Dragon season two, episode one below

The series got off to a slow start, with a lot of dialogue surrounding Aegon's recent ascension, which is heavily contested by Rhaeynra and her followers.

Helaena and Aegon Targaryen (Phia Saban and Tom Glynn-Carney) in House of the Dragon

Helaena and Aegon Targaryen (Phia Saban and Tom Glynn-Carney) in House of the Dragon (Ollie Upton/HBO)

Factions emerge across the Seven Kingdoms as Alicent and the Greens attempt to build support for their rule, while Rhaeynra and the Blacks attempt to do the same for their cause.

Rhaeynra's uncle Damon, meanwhile, seems eager to seek revenge on behalf of Rhaenyra's young son Lucerys, who was killed by Alicent's son Aemond in the first season's finale.

Towards the end of the episode, Damon calls upon a rat catcher to break through the castle walls and assassinate Aemond.

However, when the rat catcher fails to find Aemond, he and his accomplice stumble upon Queen Halaena and her twin babies, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, sleeping in their bed.

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Instead of killing Aemond, the men decide to kill Jaehaerys and begin stabbing the silver-haired child in his bed.

Matt Smith as the nefarious demon in House of the Dragon

Matt Smith as the nefarious demon in House of the Dragon (HBO)

The horrific act of infanticide is not depicted on screen, however, with only the men in view, but not Jaehaerys.

The showrunners were praised for showing restraint in deciding not to show the gruesome violence.

In a new interview with The independentGlynn-Carney, who plays Jaehaerys' father King Aegon, said he predicted the show's choice not to show violence would divide fans.

This will divide the audience, the actor said of this particular scene.

Explaining why he thought it would be divisive, Glynn-Carney said there was a certain expectation of violence that comes with a show like Dragon House or its predecessor Game Of Thrones.

Some people start a show like this because they want blood and gore, that shock factor, he said. But I think what our imagination can do is often much more shocking.

Elsewhere in the interview, he spoke positively about the eighth season of Game Of Thronesand also spoke about Dragon HouseThis is a more sustainable approach to nudity and sex scenes compared to the oversexualization of women, which he believes Thrones sometimes to the limit.

You can read the full interview here.

Dragon House season two launches on Sky and NOW on Monday June 17, with episodes airing weekly.




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