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Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha: Ajay Devgn, Tabu Tuu's mesmerizing song revisits old-fashioned romance | Bollywood

Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha: Ajay Devgn, Tabu Tuu's mesmerizing song revisits old-fashioned romance |  Bollywood


Ajay Devgn and Tabu, who starred in Bholaa, are reuniting for the upcoming film Auro Mein Kahan Dum Tha. The film is an action-thriller love story featuring old-fashioned romance. The romantic track Tuu from the film was released on June 18, featuring Ajay, Tabu and Shantanu Maheshwari, Sai Manjarekar as their younger versions. (Also Read: Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha Trailer: Ajay Devgn Gets Angry In This Complex Love Story With Tabu)

Ajay Devgn-Tabu's old-school song 'Tuu' celebrates love, separation, sacrifice and reunion.
Ajay Devgn-Tabu's old-school song 'Tuu' celebrates love, separation, sacrifice and reunion.

Ajay Devgn-Tabu relives desi romance in song 'Tuu'

The semi-lyrical version of the song Tuu depicts Ajay and Tabu's journey from their late teens to the present day. The track, composed by MM Keeravani, explores the fascinating aspect of desi romance. Manoj Muntashir's lyrics depict the passion and sacrifice of the main characters in their unconventional love story. Shantanu and Sai do justice to the portrayal of the younger versions of Ajay and Tabu by conveying the pain, struggle, separation and reunion of the protagonists. The song showcases different stages of love and culminates with a dramatic transition from Shantanu and Sai playing Holi to Ajay and Tabu finally meeting amidst the festivities. The chemistry between the on-screen couples is similar to 90s Bollywood romance.

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Auro mein kahan dum tha casting

Auro Mein Kahan Dum Tha also stars Jimmy Shergill and Sayaji Shinde in pivotal roles. The film is written and directed by Neeraj Pandey. It is co-produced by Shital Bhatia, Narendra Hirawat, Kumar Mangat Pathak and Sangeeta Ahir. The romantic action thriller is backed by Friday Filmworks and is set to release on July 5.

Ajay Devgn-Tabu's acting journey

Ajay made his acting debut with Phool Aur Kante (1991), while Tabu's first credited role was in Dev Anand's Hum Naujawan (1985). The duo worked together in films like Vijaypath (1994), Haqeeqat (1995), Thakshak (1999), Drishyam (2015), Golmaal Again (2017), Drishyam 2 (2022) and Bholaa (2023).

Ajay Devgn's Upcoming Projects

Ajay will next be seen in Rohit Shetty's Singham Again, Raj Kumar Gupta's Raid 2 and Anshul Sharma's De De Pyaar De 2.




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