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Anurag Kashyap, latest news, Kerala news, Anurag Kashyap, Malayalam movies

Anurag Kashyap, latest news, Kerala news, Anurag Kashyap, Malayalam movies


London: Anurag Kashyap, the celebrated Indian filmmaker known for his uncompromising stance on cinematic creativity, has once again sparked debate by applauding the Malayalam film industry's bold advancements while questioning Bollywood's adherence to trends stereotypical.

Unlike the stoic image one might conjure up of Kashyap, he revealed a lighter side in an exclusive chat with IANS, confessing a penchant for dad jokes and a knack for finding humor in everyday life.

“I have a stock full of dad jokes, sick jokes and inappropriate laughs,” Kashyap remarked, debunking the serious nature he is often attributed to. “Humor is something you have to discover what genre suits you,” he added, illustrating his eclectic approach to comedy.

Known for his groundbreaking works like 'Gangs of Wasseypur' and 'Dev.D', Kashyap has always challenged Bollywood norms, earning recognition as one of India's greatest independent filmmakers. However, he remains critical of the industry's obsession with following trends.

“Hindi cinema is often stuck in formulas,” laments Kashyap. “Look at the Kerala film industry: they are really doing a great job,” he praised, highlighting the innovative storytelling and fearless storytelling of Malayalam cinema.

Reflecting on his observations, Kashyap highlighted a particular case involving the Malayalam film “Manjummel Boys”, highlighting its unexpected impact on the Hindi film market. “No one would have invested their money in 'Manjummel Boys' in Bollywood,” he asserted, “but if it gets a good response, people will remake it.” True to his prediction, the film sparked interest in a Hindi adaptation soon after its release.

Kashyap's criticism extends beyond the commercial conventions of Bollywood, as he questions the industry's ability to nurture creative voices. “I’m the most privileged independent filmmaker in the country because I can make the films I want,” he reflects, empathizing with his peers who face greater constraints.

With the premiere of his upcoming streaming series “Bad Cop,” in which he plays an antagonist, Kashyap delved into his fascination with crime stories. “My life began with Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s ‘Crime and Punishment,’” he revealed, citing literature as a lifelong influence on his artistic choices.

As Kashyap continues to challenge cinematic norms, his insight into Kerala's thriving film scene is a reminder of the diversity and richness of regional Indian cinema, often overshadowed by the mainstream appeal of Bollywood. His words echo a sentiment shared by many critics of the status quo in Indian cinema, an industry at a crossroads between convention and innovation.




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